(Un)seen @Kanal.CentrePompidou

Sven Laurent
3 min readJun 10, 2018


On Mai the 5th 2018, Brussels was celebrating the opening of Kanal-Centre Pompidou, the city’s new contemporary art space. It’s in the context of this opening that I chose to look for the « involuntary and inherent art installations » to the incredible Citroën building.

The functional elements left on the spot, the traces of disappeared objects and visible tools of logistics appear to me as magnificent « unintended installations » that most of the visitors probably don’t see. That’s why I decided to document them, in order to complete « the official art work imagery » flooding the media in the days following the opening.

Taking pictures of these “ unintended installations “ as if they were a part of the exhibition, carefully chosen and installed by the curators themselves. As if documenting them, gave them suddenly their proper existence. By blurring the boundaries of what’s part of the show or not, these images are questioning the photographic document as tool of legitimization of this existence.

Every image refers to the official route/plan distributed to the visitors at the entrance, making the current project a secret visit in the official visit.


Read more to learn how this project fits my body of work.



Sven Laurent

Brussels based photographer, specialized in contemporary art documentation and reference images. www.svenlaurent.com