Things about America to know

Sep 25, 2023


Hello, in this post I’m going to list some important cultural things about America which I’m not well aware of. The list may turn out quite long, but I’ll help me to structure and evaluate my knowledge about America and define what needs to be worked on and explored. So, let’s start.

  1. The Civil Rights Movement
  2. US Civil War
  3. American Revolution
  4. Martin Luther King Jr.
  5. Voting rights in the United States of 1965
  6. Branches of Government
  7. The Trail of Tears
  8. Gettysburg Address
  9. BLM
  10. Vietnam War
  11. The Constitution
  12. Rosa Park
  13. Japanese-American Internment
  14. Pledge of Allegiance
  15. Manifest Destiny




I'm a junior of the Linguistics University of Nizny Novgorod 👩‍🎓