What a messy world! And yet…

The state of living in a dynamic world

Siow Vigman
2 min readJul 11, 2022

How much more bad news can we handle?
Everywhere we turn…tragedy, tragedy, tragedy….
What a mess our world seems to be…

And yet…on the other side of the darkness that media proclaims…
Let us remember…
Beauty and hope…our human resilience…

Beauty and positivity… a yawn for the mass media…
It doesn’t sell well…it does not grip us with fear
For fear is more addictive…

Fear keeps us wanting more…to try keep us safe…
When in truth, beauty and hope keep us safer…
And help us contribute to our world peace…to unite humanity…

What a mess…it seems…
Until we make our own choice to see and listen differently…
Rise up with beauty and hope…

Sieve through the mess…
Find the simple beauty of life, see the good in the world…
For what we focus on expands…

The bigger the mess…the greater the beauty we can find…
For heroes and miracles come out of big messes…
Life has been ongoing for millions of years…

Life is hard, as Buddha proclaimed…but it can be beautiful
Our job is to find how to live it well despite all the noises and challenges…What a mess… and yet…

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. — Max Ehrmann

Let me not follow in the clamor of the world, but walk calmly in my path. — Max Ehrmann

Our energy follows our intention and focus. Positivity inspires our energy. Fear depletes our energy.

