Start a local, live-reload web server with one command

Honestly, this is all you need to start developing and test across multiple browsers and devices!

Scott Vinkle
5 min readNov 7, 2017
Photo by Brodie Vissers on Burst

As developers, we often require a local web server to test something we’re working on and often don’t have time to set up a complex system for a quick test. We need something ready-to-go and easy to use to check our latest code changes, now!

Here’s a quick tip on starting a local web server with one command!

The server we’ll use features live-reload, which means when you make a change to your code, your browser will refresh automatically!

Oh, you also need to test on mobile, tablet, and/or your gaming console? No problem! Connect each of your devices to your local server and watch as they all refresh, hyper-link and scroll together in real-time! 😱

Let’s go! 🚀

First, let’s install some stuff

Node.js and npm

Like most things these days, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed. You can do this by downloading the official installer for your platform from

After Node.js is installed, open your Terminal application to verify npm is installed and…



Scott Vinkle

Accessibility Specialist at Shopify • Speaker, writer, workshop instructor • IAAP CPWA •