Generate PDF using node.js
To create PDF you need to HTML content of that particular, We will generate PDF of same HTML content.
I am using nodejs and I want to generate PDF on specific route ( end point/API ).
So let’s start….
I am using:
var ejs = require(‘ejs’);
var fs = require(‘fs’);
var pdf = require(‘html-pdf’);
Have a look on below code we will use it later. Here is the ejs file where I have written ejs code for dynamic data.
<h5><%= appointmentObj.firstName %></h5>
<p><%= appointmentObj.lastName %></p>
Image Example:
* Create PDF from HTML and send the URL of PDF.
* You can add Header/Footer in your PDF also
var pdf = require(‘html-pdf’); // npm install html-pdf — saveglobal.createPDFFile = function (htmlString, fileName, callback) {
var options = {
format: ‘Letter’,
header: {
“height”: “15mm”,
“contents”: “<img alt=’Clintek logo’
“timeout”: 600000,
“footer”: {
“height”: “15mm”,
“contents”: {
first: ‘<div>
</div>’, 2: ‘<div>
</div>’, // Any page number is working. 1-based index 3: ‘<div>
</div>’, 4: ‘<div>
</div>’, 5: ‘<div>
</div>’, 6: ‘<div>
</div>’, default: ‘<div>
<span>Appointment Report</span>
</div>’, // fallback value last: ‘<div>
<span>Last Page</span>
</div>’, } }};/**
* It will create PDF of that HTML into given folder.
pdf.create(htmlString, options).toFile(‘./public/pdf/’ + fileName, function (err, data) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
return callback(null, config.get(‘AdminBaseURL’) + ‘:’ +
config.get(‘server.port’) + ‘/pdf/’ + fileName)
Image Example:
I have an end points where a doctor complete an appointment and after completeion of appointment doctor send the PDF URL to its patient. ( PDF will generate on server and it will store over there ).
Here is the end point:
var route = new Route(‘put’, ‘/cancel-complete-appointment/:id’);
And here is the middleware where I will write the code to generate the PDF.
var global = require(‘../../modules/global/index’);route.use(function (req, res, next) {
var appointMentObj = {
firstName: “Shubham”,
lastName: “Verma”
}var contents = fs.readFileSync(‘./views/indexEJS.ejs’, ‘utf8’);
* It will convert into HTML with the value according to the
* contents and appointMentObj.
*/var html = ejs.render(contents, appointMentObj);/*
* Call a user define method to generate PDF.
*/global.createPDFFile(html, + ‘.pdf’, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(“PDF URL ADDED.”);
Image Example:
Here is the generated pdf ( By me :) )
If you want to create pdf in nodejs from scratch then this link will help you a lot.
Congratulations.. You have created PDF. :)
( Feel free to ask for any doubt )