Essay About Brandenburg Gate (Germany)

Svt Alex
2 min readDec 27, 2018


The Brandenburg Gate is a monument in Berlin built in 18th-century. This monument is built on the place where a former city gate of Brandenburg a der Havel was. The monument was built after orders of Prussian king Frederick William II and it is one of the best landmarks of Germany. The Brandenburg Gate is a place that hosted many major historical events and because of that this monument is not only a symbol of exciting World and German history, but it is also a symbol of peace and unity. The construction of this monument started in 1788. and it was completed in 1791. The Brandenburg Gate was designed and constructed by Carl Gotthard Langhans, a Prussian architect.

This beautiful monument has played many roles in German history. One of the major events at the Brandenburg Gate was when the Quadriga, “which depicted a statue of the goddess of victory driving a chariot pulled by four horses” (Maranzani), was stolen by Napoleon after him and his Grand Army reached the Brandenburg Gate. The Quadriga was then returned to its original place in 1814 when Prussian soldiers captured Paris and defeated Napoleon. After this, the Quadriga got another meaning as it symbolized Prussian win over Napoleon and France, because of that an iron cross was added to the statue but it was also removed later during the Communist era. Many years later, in 1933 when Hitler came to power, the Brandenburg Gate trembled under the boots of stormtroopers and SS members while they were walking to the presidential palace. As World War II began and ended, in 6 years of this devastating war the Berlin was destroyed but the Brandenburg Gate w. Later in 1961, even though Berlin was divided to the West and East Berlin, they worked together on its restoration.

The Brandenburg Gate was a symbol of many political and military wins and loses during its 200-year history. Even though it symbolized wins of Napoleon and Prussians, win of Nazi Party and Hitlers World War II and even though there was a need for restoration of this monument more than you can think of and last of them cost a large sum of 6 million Euros, still this is the monument that is symbolizing peace and unity because there the American president Ronald Reagan made his speech and said “Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”(“Reagan to Gorbachev: ‘Tear down this wall’!”). Two years later the Brandenburg gate united the West and East Berlin once more.

This essay is written by a freelance EssayShark writer in order to expand the reader’s perception and knowledge of the world around.

