Encrypted Chat Rooms.

How we handle encryption.

S V Y F T . C O M
1 min readMay 16, 2014

SVYFT uses standard AES cryptographic algorithms from the CryptoJS and SJCL libraries. These algorithms are sent over SSL to your browser.

When you create an Encrypted Chat Room, you are asked to set a Room Secret Key (RSK). Your messages are AES256 bit encrypted using this RSK. RSK is never sent to our servers and NEVER leaves your browser.

Encrypted messages are sent over SSL and stored in our server. Decryption can only happen in your browser with the correct RSK.

A rouge agency or hacker gaining access to our servers would only be able to get your AES encrypted data. Decrypting this data is virtually impossible.

SVYFT does not anonymize you. SVYFT does not protect againt key loggers. SVYFT does not protect you against untrustworthy people.

Enjoy your privacy.

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