Inverted New Year’s Resolution: What was your favorite new habit from 2016? (Here’s mine)

Jonathan Swanson
2 min readJan 3, 2017


Katherine and I are setting our personal goals for 2017/Q1 today. If you know us, you know this is one of our favorite pastimes. :)

In thinking about our goals for the year ahead, Katherine first led us through a few post-it-note-exercises where we looked back on 2016 by answering questions like:

  • What gave you the most meaning in 2016?
  • How/where/when did you grow high quality relationships in 2016?
  • Personally and professionally, what worked in 2016? What didn’t?

The looking back process was really helpful to do before setting our 2017 goals. And it was fun to see that Katherine and I had one new habit that we started in 2016 that we both particularly wanted to continue. In the morning before getting out of bed, Katherine and I started something we call G.R.O.W.:

  • Gratitude (share one thing you’re thankful for)
  • Regret (share one thing you wished you had done differently)
  • Opportunity (share one intention for the day ahead)
  • Wonder (zoom out and share one thing that fills you with wonder)

It takes just ~5 minutes and helps start the morning with an amazing connection, intention, and sense of gratitude. If we have time, we then meditate together before jumping into exercise, email and the rest of the day. If we’re traveling and apart, it’s also a quick way to reconnect on the phone.

So, what were some of your favorite traditions from the last year? What were the habits, big or small, that made you happier, healthier, more productive? Thanks for sharing the love. :)

Happy 2017!


HT to friends Adam Gries and Rie Yano for their inspiration for G.R.O.W. — they have a routine they call “Miracle Mornings” which was our spark. And thanks to Julian Bialowas for the epic photograph.



Jonathan Swanson

Co-founder & Executive Chairman at Thumbtack, former White House staffer, lover of life