Community Update: April

3 min readApr 28, 2019


Hello Community!

It has been a hectic last few weeks at our workplace. We have been working hard to fulfill our development objectives as per our roadmap.

The development milestones allocated for Q1 of 2019 wrapped up on 26th April 2019 making us almost 30 days behind on our development schedule at this point. This, however, should not be a major concern as gaining the initial momentum and streamlining initial working may take some time, however, should necessarily be done right. We are certain to be able to make up for the lost time in the future.

We would like to once again thank our community members who have been waiting to receive the tokens that they are entitled to receive for their Promotional Tasks (Tokens sale participants have received their tokens in Full). We know we have already tested your patience, we however humbly request you to kindly bear a little more with us as we are working towards getting this done for you. The past adverse market condition has been highly unconducive for new projects and thus being the sole factor for the delay. However, strong and healthy growth in the market is imminent. We will share an update on this very soon in the next few weeks.

In the coming days, as the market conditions improve, we shall initiate our extensive marketing (the marketing expenses in the crypto world, can in no time reach up to hundreds of thousands of dollars with questionable fulfillment of basic objective, thus making marketing highly unviable at his point) and outreach efforts, in addition to coming on new exchanges and fulfilling other outstanding community commitments dependent on these factors.

Also, some of our community members have been asking us to express our views regarding unsourced reports pertaining to Cryptocurrency Regulations in our native country. We would like to inform everyone that, since these sort of news have been doing rounds for a while now (over one year to be precise), we have aligned our working beforehand to deal with these uncertainties. We have been blessed to have the support of numerous industry expert to seek sound and trustworthy advice from, on various issues related to these issues and numerous others, whom we regularly consult with. Thus you can rest assured that any future government order shall at the most, compel us to make some modification in the way we function with no significant change in working towards our goals, objective and vision with the support of our contributors and supporters who have supported us in our humble beginnings.

Lastly, we are no longer accepting KYC as we have given a considerable amount of time to everyone to complete the same along with repeated reminder and deadline extension. You can get in touch with us on for more regarding this.

We look forward to your continued support.

Best Wishes

Team Swachhcoin

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Aiming to implement & validate a system integrated w/ blockchain providing a robust, sustainable and efficient solution to revolutionise the waste management.