Digging It Deep With Data Science

3 min readOct 11, 2018


Over the years, Big Data has been utilized in various industries like healthcare, banking, and education. The success of Big Data in these industries has led to the exploration of ways of introducing the technology in the waste management industry. However, before we shed more light on the role Big Data can play in the waste and recycling industry, let us take a look at the concept behind Big Data.

What Is Big Data?

In simple terms, Big Data is the act of collating a massive amount of data for analysis. The concept of Big Data is governed by what analysts call the four Vs. These Vs are defined below:

  1. Volume: this is the amount of data collected by an entity. Historical data collected by the company determine the amount of information that can be extracted and analyzed for business decisions.

2. Velocity: this refers to the speed at which data are collected which will also determine the processing speed of these data. When the data collection speed is fast, then companies can collate timely situation reports.

3. Variety: this refers to the diversity of the sources of the data. Data should be collected from varied sources so that the company can make efficient reports.

4. Veracity: Veracity refers to the frequency at which data is collected as well as the quality of collected data. Data is expected to be collected consistently because analyzing outdated data could lead to wrong business decisions.

Now that we have understood the concept of Big Data, let us take a look at the way it can optimize waste management and recycle systems.

How Will Big Data Optimize The Waste Management And Recycle Industry?

It has been discovered that the waste management industry can utilize Big Data to optimize waste collection routes by analyzing waste and recycling history. As such, collecting data relating to the volume, level, and contents of waste in trash cans will immensely reduce the operating costs of waste management firms

Also, recycling rates can be optimized by utilizing Big Data, as waste processing plants can by-pass lots of paperwork and weighing processes. This is possible because historical data for the volume and contents of trash cans is already collected and analyzed. As such, recycling plants can easily use this data speed up recycling processes.

How Can Big Data Be Implemented In The Waste Management System?

The implementation of Big Data in the waste collection and recycling industry is still nascent. As such, only a few firms in the industry have been able to come up with innovative ways of utilizing Big Data to improve current waste management processes. One such firm is Swachh.

Swachh is planning on harnessing the potentials of Big Data, AI, Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain In order to create a state-of-the-art waste management ecosystem. Swachh’s model will capitalize on the strength of each of these technologies in both the waste collection and recycle processes. As a result, Swachh is positioned to become a major influencer and pacesetter in the waste management industry.

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Aiming to implement & validate a system integrated w/ blockchain providing a robust, sustainable and efficient solution to revolutionise the waste management.