3 min readMar 18, 2018


Things around us are constantly changing and developing. In the next 30 years we will see so many technological advances, constructions and inventions that will for sure make our lives easier than what we are experiencing now and definitely easier than what are ancestors living in their caves had experienced.

However what would happen if our environment doesn’t support those advances? We all are very sure how strong our environment is and no matter how intelligent mankind is, we can never challenge the nature. The fact the environment is getting exhausted is very well seen by the rising temperatures, changing climatic patterns, frequent floods, unpredictable weather patterns.

One of the most important environmental conditions that need immediate attention is the melting of the glaciers. Glacier is a dense body of ice that has been formed where the accumulation of snow exceeds its ablation over many years. Glaciers aren’t formed instantly. They need centuries for their formation. Hence their melting must raise a concern.

Glaciers are found in the western United States, Alaska, the mountains of Europe and Asia, and many other parts of the world. Their melting is a normal process with many dependent on the fresh water for survival. However their dramatic melting which we see now, isn’t normal.

Scientists found that while much of the melting a century ago was most probable due to natural variability in the climate, it is now primarily caused by anthropogenic global warming resulting from industrial greenhouse gases.

Rapid industrialization in the past is the major source of global warming. We have in the past burnt a lot of waste. Fuels from automobiles and the indiscriminate burning of waste, have all increased the level greenhouse gases, which in turn trap more heat in the earth’s atmosphere thus raising the average global temperature.

With an increase in global temperatures, glacier ice is melting faster. This will lead to a rise in sea level which will have a direct impact on those living in low lying areas. Moreover glaciers absorb a little heat and reflect the remaining back into the space. With their disappearance the earth is now absorbing more heat causing the temperature to rise even further.

Scientists have also concluded that the global trend in glacier meltdown began in the mid 19th century began after the “little ice age” where temperatures in some parts of the world were below for many decades.

Melting glaciers have many effects. For example, the melting of glaciers will affect drinking supplies of the millions who rely on meltwater rivers. In addition to that when glaciers melt they will lead to a rise in sea level, which in turn will cause flooding of the coastal areas. Recent research also shows how flooding affects the rotation of the earth. Research shows that the yearly changes are calculated from the glacial signals. The contribution of glaciers to the total excess length of the day signal is less than one part in 150 of the observed signal.

Thus we can easily conclude that the disappearance of glaciers will harm us. It will lead to destruction of mankind if it is not taken care of. By reducing global warming and thus preventing glacier melting we will help save mankind in the years to come.


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