Ways to Keep Waste Out of Landfills

1 min readNov 12, 2019
  1. For home- Try to compost waste food in your garden area by creating compost pile.
  2. For Companies- Say No to printed papers, notebooks. Use hard disk, emails to save documents. Don’t throw used branded merchandise, give them to the recycling centers. There are many recycling centers in the USA like SwagCycle which takes used Branded clothes, donates and recycled them in an ethical and affordable way.
  3. For Communities- You can be a part of communities which encourages 3Rs or you can create your own community and promote 3Rs (recycle, reuse and reduce) to keep waste out of landfills. Set recycling bins to various areas.




SwagCycle is a startup focused on responsibly managing the lifecycle of branded merchandise. https://www.swagcycle.net/