2 min readJun 9, 2022


As my time at Tiffany has come to an end an overwhelming set of emotions have occurred while working on the brand. For starters i was dis-heartened that i could not travel to UAE, to work on site for my internship. However i did my best with the work from home initiative.

My final project had me create the annual company calendar, i wanted to play with my strengths and incorporate my illustrative skills as my final adue, to the brand.

Hence forth for each page i decided on a product which would represent each month, and created a series of fun illustrations with 12 different products.

Which was later on incorporated onto the calendar, i musty admit making the calendar layout took longer than i anticipated and this was by far the most taxing project the brand had given me.

However i did manage to accomplish what i had set out to do, and overall it was a great experience with a lot of learning.

I will never forget my time working for the brand and hope to cross paths again in the near future.

Few pages from the calendar.

