The Transformative Essence of Swami Prakashanand’s Divine Love Meditation


Born into a revered Brahman family in Ayodhya in 1929, Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, also known as Shree Swamiji, embarked on a remarkable spiritual journey from a young age. As soon as his studies were finished in 1950, he embraced the path of renunciation and took the sacred vows of sanyas. His unwavering devotion and dedication to God resonated deeply, leading to an extraordinary offer in 1952: the opportunity to become the Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath. However, his heart yearned only for the profound love of Radha and Krishna so he humbly and respectfully declined the esteemed position.

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati

Following the strict discipline of sanyas, he traveled alone for some time to several spiritually significant places and ultimately came Braj, where he lived for approximately 20 years. While he sometimes visited secluded leela places in Barsana and surrounding areas, he spent most of that time in isolation in a small cave, deeply engrossed in loving remembrance of his beloved Radha-Krishn. The will of Shree Radha inspired him to begin teaching about the path to God for souls in the West who were desiring spiritual happiness, and he embarked upon that service in 1972.

Exploring Divine Love Meditation

Divine Love Meditation is a simple approach that has been described in the scriptures as the way souls can progress toward God-realization in the age of Kaliyug. Illucidatedby Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, this practice aims to go beyond the limitations of the ego and connect a soul with the boundless ocean of Divine Love.

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s life story resonated with a deep yearning for the divine. He was intensely focused on God from a very early age and following his studies in 1950 he renounced the world and was given sanyas by Shankarcharya Brahmananda Saraswati (Jyotir Math). Following the strict discipline of sanyas, he traveled alone for some time to several spiritually significant places and ultimately came Braj, where he lived for approximately 20 years. While he sometimes visited secluded leela places in Barsana and surrounding areas, he spent most of that time in isolation in a small cave, deeply engrossed in loving remembrance of his beloved Radha-Krishn.

The Essence of Divine Love Meditation

At the heart of Divine Love Meditation lies the transformative power of Divine love. Unlike traditional meditation techniques focusing on achieving mindfulness or stillness, this practice encourages cultivating a close, internal, selflessly loving relationship with the Divine. Swami Prakashanand Saraswatishared scriptural teachings demonstrate that within each individual resides a spark of the Divine (the soul), covered by the veil of ego and worldly attachments. Through the practice of Divine Love Meditation, we can gradually purify our hearts such that, with the Grace of God, these veils may be removed and we will be united with our beloved form of God forever.

Cultivating Divine-Love Consciousness through Kirtan and Visualization

Divine Love Meditation incorporates various elements to facilitate the cultivation of our loving relationship with God. It typically involves:

Chanting/Kirtan: Participants sing various songs describing the leelas and beauty of Radha-Krishn. The rhythmic, beautiful chanting helps focus and purify the mind while creating a sense of God’s presence.

Visualization: Practitioners visualize their preferred Form of God, their leelas, virtues, abode, or Saints. Longing to meet their Beloved God with tears in the eyes helps purify one’s heart to receive increased feelings of Their blissful association.

Surrender: A crucial aspect of loving God in all religions involves some form of surrender. With raganuga-bhakti, this involves surrendering the mind to focus on the Divine rather than worldly matters and attachments. This surrender opens the heart to receive increasingly more Divine love.

Benefits of Divine Love Meditation

Those who practice Divine Love Meditation experience various benefits associated with regular practice, including:

1. Deepened connection with the divine: The practice facilitates an increasingly strong sense of connection with one’s beloved form of God, fostering a sense of purpose and solace for the soul.

2. Enhanced humility and tolerance: Understanding more about the Graciousness and greatness of God helps us to be humble instead of egotistical. When we develop to the point of understanding that everyone is a soul in search of true happiness, our ability to be compassionate and tolerant naturally increases.

3. Reduced stress and anxiety: With increased remembrance of God, our attachments to the material world subside and we are less effected by things that previously would have been troubling for us. In this way, the practice of chanting/kirtan meditation can help relieve stress and foster tranquility and overall wellness.

4. Increased emotional well-being: By cultivating positive emotions like love and gratitude, enhanced humility and tolerance, and reduced stress and anxiety, the practice of raganuga-bhakti can contribute to improved emotional well-being.

Scientific Exploration of Divine Love Meditation

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s collaboration with Dr. Maxwell Cade, a renowned physicist and researcher, led to a scientific exploration of the effects of Divine Love Meditation. Using EEG technology, Cade observed and documented changes in brainwave patterns during the practice, suggesting a shift towards states of deep relaxation and heightened awareness. Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s elevated brain rhythms, state of consciousness, and ability to elevate others’ consciousness were extensively studied and described in the landmark book, “The Awakened Mind”, by Maxwell Cade.


Divine Love Meditation represents a simple approach to spiritual development that is described in the scriptures as being the ideal spiritual practice for the age of Kaliyug. Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s life serves as an inspiring example of unwavering devotion and dedication to teaching raganuga bhakti, or divine love consciousness, to desiring souls. His legacy continues to inspire seekers worldwide to begin their personal quests to achieve perfect Divine happiness — the ultimate aim of their lives.



Swami Prakashanand Saraswati's Wisdom

Founder of “International Society of Divine Love” in the USA and “Rangeeli Mahal Pratishthan” in India