2 min readMay 29, 2021

People known as the dandelion. At first glance, it is often ignored by people, considered non-existent. It can grow anywhere. It grows up in the spreads of the fields like this, or even on the brink of a ravine. This flower is not attractive, without colored petals, only white like a sheet of cotton. This flower is not as beautiful as Edelweiss, which is not able to carelessly bring it home. Also not as elegant as the lotus in the middle of the lake. To get it, you have to be willing to get wet first. This flower is deceptively simple. But you know what? God created various things in this world not without purpose.

Even from this flower that looks very fragile. God has left a valuable lesson for us. How life is not easy. She only relies on the wind blowing her seeds. It has to prune, fend for itself, and then fall and grow where it is suitable for growing. However, not all dandelions are that lucky. Some of them must be willing to be subjected to various tests first to arrive at a new land. Even when she arrived, she had to accept the fate of living on the edge of a steep ravine. Like the dandelion.

The dandelion has to fend for itself. Waiting for a drop of rain to make her stretch. Welcoming the following days full of exams. From that drop of rain, new shoots will grow as proof of the toughness of her life struggle. The shoots must be ready to face the hot sun, the harsh winds, and the torrential rain. She must survive alone, without any other plants to protect her. Without someone plant to protect it. Eventually, the dandelion grew into a new plant with its struggles. Even though it is simple in shape, without colorful petals, it is now ready to fly the other flowers and hope that the wind will be able to take it to a much better place.

— Lyvie Orianthie to Myoui Sharon Mina