Vampire: The Masquerade — Swansong: A Captivating RPG Immersed in the World of Vampires

6 min readOct 2, 2023


Vampire: The Masquerade — Swansong has always fascinated the world with vampires. Due to this supernatural curiosity, numerous creations within the entertainment medium have emerged to satiate the bloodthirsty people everywhere. Whether it’s a focus on gothic and historical stories like Bram Stoker’s Dracula or Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series, portraying them in a more modern and glittery light, they are beloved by all. In the World of Darkness, vampires found their place in tabletop form, offering players an opportunity to craft their own stories while providing a rich background for the world in which their games unfolded. Vampire — The Masquerade: Swansong captures the essence of the tabletop game and transforms it into a profound RPG with a compelling story at its core. The narrative is so dense and captivating that it draws players in and keeps them hooked throughout. Following a Code Red event, the current Prince of the Boston sect, belonging to the Camarilla, dispatches three trusted followers to uncover the truth behind the incident. As the investigation into the attack unfolds, a monumental conspiracy begins to surface, leaving players unable to trust anyone. It’s an astonishing story filled with information, whether acquired through conversations with others or discovered in scattered documents, making it an engaging choice for players looking to buy PS5 games.

A Richly Detailed and Immersive Vampire World

In Vampire — The Masquerade: Swansong, one initially finds oneself overwhelmed. Not only does one need to become accustomed to the rules of gameplay, but there is also an abundance of characters to acquaint oneself with, each having their place in the hierarchy. Additionally, there is a multitude of locations, organizations, and a myriad of other terms and practices that are all crucial to the story. Players are provided with a codex that offers more in-depth information, and they are free to peruse it at any point for clarity. The effort invested in this aspect is truly commendable, and as an avid reader, one may find that it significantly contributes to fleshing out the expansive narrative crafted by Big Bad Wolf. The more one plays and explores, the better one comprehends everything, and, much like the experience of reading a good book, it all begins to coalesce, forming a coherent and vivid mental image, making it a captivating choice for those considering a purchase of PS5 games.

As one plays and uncovers increasing complexities, one may find that certain challenges can only be overcome with specific character builds. If one cannot persuade a character to divulge their secret or merely exit a room, they may find themselves at an impasse. If alternative methods, such as lockpicking or harnessing powers like Dominate, are unavailable, completing that particular objective becomes impossible. The game treads a fine line with its generally open-ended levels, where some paths may lead to dead ends. However, it manages to offer various possibilities due to the absence of a definitively incorrect way to develop a character.

While there may appear to be an abundance of skills, particularly those related to dialogue, allocating points to any skill proves advantageous in Vampire — The Masquerade: Swansong. For instance, neglecting to invest in the Hacking skill may result in missing the opportunity to encounter the Hacker leader. Conversely, a proficient lockpicking skill might enable one to discover information that could be used for blackmailing another character into assisting. Admittedly, the presence of glitches can be quite vexing. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that there are not many games that manage to make creative problem-solving as engaging and rewarding as this one does.

Balancing Power, Hunger, and Willpower in the Vampiric World

Naturally, all that power doesn’t materialize out of thin air; it draws from the willpower and hunger meters displayed in the top left corner of the screen. Most actions deplete the willpower meter, but if you find your conversational skills lacking, you can expend even more willpower to bolster your chances in a dialogue check. Each character you engage with has its own set of statistics and can enhance them in response, so even if the game suggests a 100% success rate for an action, certainty remains elusive. Skill checks don’t always guarantee success either, demanding careful consideration of your choices, especially during Confrontations. Confrontations are essentially multi-stage arguments where there is a limited allowance for failure. These can prove quite challenging to emerge victorious from since skill checks will drain more willpower or hunger than usual. Therefore, it’s crucial to monitor your reserves and even employ items or equipment to gain an advantage.

Vampiric powers can be employed both within and outside of conversations, but each usage heightens your hunger. There doesn’t seem to be a significant penalty for reaching maximum hunger, aside from the inability to employ additional powers. Nonetheless, like willpower, it’s essential to manage hunger judiciously because you never know when an emergency might necessitate these abilities. Reducing hunger is achieved through feeding, either on rats or humans. Consuming a rat diminishes hunger by a modest three or four points but slightly raises the suspicion meter after the level. The exact consequences of a heightened suspicion meter aren’t entirely clear, but it’s best to keep it in check. Feeding on humans, however, requires more preparation. Firstly, you must locate a secure room within the level and then identify a person you can hypnotize into coming there. Once you’ve begun feeding, you need to hold a button to regulate how much hunger you satisfy, being cautious not to overdo it and inadvertently kill your victim. After feeding, the room can no longer be utilized, so responsible feeding is advised. If you don’t fully drain your victim, they will remain there with the potential for a second feeding, but this will undoubtedly result in their demise.

Choices, Consequences, and Complexities

Vampire The Masquerade — Swansong unfolds as a political thriller within the turbulent backdrop of a war between vampires and mortals within Boston’s heart. The intricate web of conspiracies and mysteries constantly keeps the player on edge, and every revelation of new information holds the promise of reshaping the entire narrative. There are moments when they could have easily overlooked crucial details due to the choices made in the story, some of which had significant implications. In the early stages, Leysha stumbles upon a momentous revelation regarding the Prince’s intentions, a discovery they might have missed had they simply followed their duties as an obedient servant. The game boasts vastness and a complex skill system, but as one invests more time in it, it gradually becomes more comprehensible and manageable.

