Swapnil Chandra
5 min readAug 9, 2019


As a student of software engineering, I am always inquisitive about the budding technology and new innovative applications which people develop. Once WhatsApp became a sensation, many similar chat applications started to flood the android play store. Curious, I downloaded many of them, just to have a look and feel of each application and experience the unique features they had to offer. Most of the applications offered more or less the same functionalities until I came across an application called Hike. This application caught my attention, and I have been an avid user for two years. Therefore, I have chosen to talk about this interface in particular.

Over the years, Hike developed into an interactive and user-friendly application. Each update brought something new and was interesting to try out. First and foremost, I would like to point out to its unique and user-oriented interface. The developers have provided a simple main interface, where all chats are listed. However, each chat can be customized to a user’s choice of theme. These themes change the complete look of the chat.

Hike offered the notification stating that the receiver has read the message from the very beginning, though it was made available in WhatsApp currently and wasn’t available two years ago. This feature put this application in a new light and gave it an edge over its competition. Another feature I enjoy is “Nudge”. This occurs on double tapping the screen. It sends an empty message, catching the receiver’s attention. To make the chat interface more interesting, the developers have provided the users with certain text-based stickers in addition to the common smileys. Each sticker conveys a certain emotion. The developers have customized these stickers to suit each user, by creating stickers in different languages, and for different situations. For example, they have a completely separate collection of stickers for Cricket season, than for the emotions people share as hostel roommates. A user may download the set he desires, as per his liking. This diversity and the simplicity of the interface make the time spent using the application interesting and enjoyable instead of mundane. Also, the stickers are so wide ranging and expressive that an entire conversation can be carried out without typing a single alphabet. This has further optimized the process of chatting.

The application offers another interesting feature, available in BBM, called Status Updates. Every time, there is an addition in the Hike contact list, status or photo update, Hike informs the user. Hike has an interesting option to set a “mood” as the status as well. The developers have also provided each user with a timeline, where we get well-timed updates on change of profile photos and status of our “Favourites”. Favorites are the few selected people the user wants to share this information along with their “last seen” with. This connection between two users is created only after an agreement from either end. This feature makes chatting and sharing our details more safe and secure. Another way Hike provides security is by giving the user an option of “Hide”. The selected chats will be hidden from the main list of chats and protected by a password, ensuring the safety of personal chats in a simple way.

The general features, like group chats, calling and searching are also available on Hike. However, it has taken a few of them to a new level. Each group chat can include about 500 members, than the mere option of 50 offered by many other applications. They have added a conference call feature along with the usual calling over the internet. Conference call added with apt stickers, brings the fun easily any group chat looks for in a chat application. If the receiver is not connected to the internet, Hike provides the sender to send the message by Free SMS. Hike also included a new option recently, allowing users to send messages ranging from a simple text message to a 100mb file, to another user without the use of the internet, “Hike Direct”. For Christmas this year, Hike introduced “Secret Santa”. The developers anonymously connected two Hike users and allowed them to send a Hike coupon to the other as a Christmas gift.

Hike not only makes it easy for users to interact with each other but ensures that the user interacts with the application itself. A person with a short chat history can use this application as a source of entertainment and information as well. It not only incorporated the “News” which is updated to the user instantly with a small description, but it has also included an option to receive “Cricket Updates”, Quotes and fascinating facts daily. Hike also has an option to send humorous jokes and photos more than once daily to the user. This gives a user, like me, a gateway to spend my break-time interacting with Hike. Hike provides all its users free rewards and coupons and many other such attractions. However, I believe the most intriguing attraction of Hike is “Natasha”. Natasha is Hike’s very own Chatterbot. This computerized chatterbot is extremely responsive and can be used not only for chatting but to get information about anything from the Wikipedia pages, find word meaning, look for current movie reviews amongst other things.

The latest update in Hike is its inbuilt keyboard. I am intrigued by this application and enjoy using it. The interface is friendly and customizable according to my likes. The only flaw I would like to mention is that the hike call doesn’t inform the user if there is a regular incoming call. This makes it a little tough to talk peacefully without continuously checking whether I have missed a call or a message. Apart from this one flaw, I have had an amazing experience while using Hike.

Since two years, I am addicted to this application and it still never ceases to surprise me. This application has become my favorite chat application, making it one of the interfaces I interact with on a regular basis. I find the GUI easy to use and extremely fun and interactive. It is a medium of chatting as well as enjoying some free time with the interesting updates.

