Coffee Chaos: 7 Things You Must know About The Bad Effects Of Coffee.

4 min readMay 18, 2024

Imagine waking up to a fresh scent of brewed coffee in the early morning. Ok, I know it sounds too good and now you want a Cup of coffee but, do you think is coffee really good for your health? Yes, it is when taken in limit because coffee not only contains caffeine but also may antioxidant which improve one’s health condition and here are some health benefits of coffee.

  1. Boosts mental health
  2. Promote weight management
  3. Supports heart health
  4. Enhance athletic performance
  5. Increases longitivity of life
  6. Reduce risk of cance
  7. Boosts memory

As of 2024, 2.25 billion cups of coffee are taken per day worldwide. Normally 4cups of coffee can be taken per day but increasing the limit may cause some serious health problems effecting metabolism and bodily functions of the human body.

7 Bad effects of coffee:


  • Have you ever wondered that you couldn’t sleep at night and always tosses in bed. It might be due to excess intake of coffee.
  • Caffeine in the coffee has a strong ability to help you to stay awake but when this is taken in excessive amount it causes insomnia
  • Caffeine is the stimulant and it stays in your system for almost 10hrs which means if you have taken a Cup of coffee in the afternoon it may last upto night.


Caffeine in the coffee increases alertness. However, at higher doses the effects become more pronounced leading to anxiety and nervousness.

Excessive coffee consumption can lead to caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, which is a recognized syndrome related to high caffeine intake.

3.High blood pressure:

Sometimes we may feel like our heart has skipped a beat or is pounding, which can also occur when we consume too much coffee.

However, it does not increase the risk of heart diseases but increases blood pressure to certain levels.

Think of it like a maintenance cause. Once you remove the cause, the problem automatically resolves itself.


I always reach for a cup of coffee when I have a headache, but it’s confusing because too much coffee can actually cause a headache.

Missing your daily cup of coffee for at least one day can cause a headache, especially in migraine patients, where it can trigger and worsen the pain.

5. digestive issues:

Did you know that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can actually act as a natural laxative, stimulating bowel movement?

Coffee releases the gastric juice which irrites the gut causing bowel movement but sometimes it may cause diarrhoea or gastric reflux(GERD)

Since, coffee has many effects on the gut health you may need to reduce its amount or switch to tea.

6.muscle weakness:

Rhabdomylosis is a serious issue caused due to trauma, drug abuse, muscle strains and bites from poisonous snakes.

It leads to the breakdown of muscle fibers which enter the blood stream leading to kidney failure.

Some studies have shown that a larger intake of caffeine may also lead to rhabdomyolysis.


Too much intake of coffee may lead to abortion in the pregnant women.

When a large dose of caffeine is taken it enters the foetal blood stream through mother leading to miscarriage.

So, avoid coffee during pregnancy and lactation.

Personal story:

I have a friend named Sheela who is a workaholic. She is very passionate about her work. Every morning, she makes coffee and fills it into a flask. Throughout the day, she drinks the coffee every two to three hours to cope with stress.

After a few days, Sheela felt very weak and always experienced gastric troubles. She couldn’t sleep at night, no matter how much she tried, and her heart used to beat very fast.

After experiencing these symptoms, she consulted a doctor and discovered that coffee was the cause of her troubles. She was shocked because she had always believed that coffee was harmless. She was advised to reduce her coffee intake, and when she did, her symptoms gradually improved. Now she sleeps better and has no health issues.


Always remember to listen to your body. While coffee can be a daily routine and a great stress reliever, excessive consumption can lead to sleeplessness, muscle weakness, and anxiety. Understanding this can help you reduce your daily intake of coffee and avoid such risks. Enjoy the rich flavors of coffee in moderation.




Hey, I'm Swapna! I'm a passionate content writer and social media marketer. I love creating engaging stories and posts that capture attention and drive results.