Love Marriage V/S Arranged Marriage

Swapnil Agrawal
3 min readJun 22, 2023


Whenever talk about the vast country India the first thing we all could imagine is the vast variety of cultures, people, etc., right?

Diving in the depth of it, when I used to talk to you about the system of marriage no doubt every Indian could relate it. A shower of thoughts full of traditions, customs, etc., will pop up in your brain and next moment confuse you with questions to yourself love marriage or arrange marriage?

Well, the pros and cons are of everything I mean literally everything.

The biggest problem is the conservative and non-changeable thinking and thoughts of our parental and grandparental generations.

A big pressure is seen for doing arrange marriages. I don’t know why but without proper discussion and comparison, a clear-cut statement is given by parents to arrange marriage.

Doesn’t it seem like a compromise with life-like okay, you have this xyz number of products available in the market and you have to choose one of them and it’s not a question but an order to You no matter you love them or not, marriage is a compulsion and you have to marry that’s it. Listening and thinking about it only I could imagine was my school time, the maths class where the teacher poked me again and again just go for the hit and trial method. I could relate it risking for 50-50 was a good choice there, but my question to you is literally everywhere? Just think about it.

On the same time if one saw the parents look out why they are pressurizing for arrange marriage their sayings be like it is good, we have some value in the society. One must to marriage within the same caste. Oh fuck this line itself meet me a boiling egg, I could do a big debate on that. Living in this tech & advance era, how people be so conservative?

Is there any logic behind the caste system in marriage? That’s totally illogical. What’s the main necessity for a marriage? Of course two bodies with the opposite sex and moreover if we go in-depth like qualities like education, looks, financial status, etc., These further things I could agree with them but not at all the previous ones. If I gonna give my personal opinion of what I find good in an arranged marriage, so that’s basically most of the time it comes with the maturity of formal understanding in the relationship just like our ancestors supported this human livelihood we too have to support it. I am discussing what’s the right option very soon, before that lemme take you to love marriage now, I know you are eagerly waiting for it.

It’s basically what today’s youth wants and I’m too gonna vote for it as my personal opinion. It basically gives you a point of satisfaction that you are not compromising with life handling the weight of regret and compromise in your heart, which I think none of us can express. A very Savage and perfect reply one must give to people if they pressurize someone for arranged marriage is why to accelerate yourself if you are already smoothly flowing with nature. Experiments with nature can cause severe disasters too, one of the recent examples- Covid!

Yeah, I couldn’t deny the fact that as it is an attraction based you may get the hurts and troubles. But looking at this doesn’t mean you decide, okay I don’t wanna hurt in life so becoming a blind you say yeah I’m with arranged marriage. As I’ve told earlier that pros and cons of everything, so the decision is up to you.

Understanding what’s right, nothing is perfect in yourself too, in the universe, in anything.

The best way to choose is to give yourself time and ask yourself deeply what type of person I am. What type of life do I want?

Do you want a mature life respecting society and all thoughts surrounding you giving their massive opinions or totally free life with the king or queen of your own life accepting every success or failure you do without regret?

If your answer is first then you must go on with the arranged marriage and if your answer is second then you must go on with a love marriage.

