Problem-Solving Case- Swiggy | Root cause analysis for drop in ratings in Play Store

swapnil kasera
4 min readFeb 28, 2023


Problem Statement: Imagine you are a Product Manager at Swiggy. The Playstore rating has dropped from 4.5 to 3.8 stars in the last 2 weeks. Find out the root cause of the problem.

Disclaimer: This is a hypothetical case study and is written only for educational purpose.


  1. Swiggy app is only available on play store
  2. Swiggy is providing it’s services PAN India
  3. The drop in rating is not from a specific demography
  4. User once only reviews the app and share feedback on playstore, no multiple comments are mentioned from the same person.

Analysing the problem

Drop in rating means users are not satisied with the service provided by the company and they are sharing there feedback as they want the company to focus in such areas and improve the overall experience.

  1. Play Store comments and Rating Analysis:- To identify the problem users facing while using the app
  2. User Journey:- To identify where the user is having issue due to which they are leaving the platform
  3. Internal Factors:- To check if any changes made by Swiggy internally to improve the system which indirectly created some new issues in the system.
  4. External Factors:- To check weather the food quality, weather, late delivery, etc is the main issue.

Play Store comments and Rating Analysis

To understand the issue, I will try to understand user feedback provided on Play store to know what are the common issues/ repeating problems which users are facing, for this I will filter all the reviews to newest to know latest problems and first write down repeating problems and then other problems to create summary which will give me idea about the major and minor problems and based upon that category I will prioritize my analysis .

User Journey

I will try to track user and check where exactly the users are facing the issue. To reach at that point, I will see where is the maximum no. users are stopping and ending the session when they enter into the system to order something. This will give me idea about the issue weather is it with selecting the food, restraunt or is it with payment related page so that the team get an update of the issue and work together to solve it ASAP.

Internal Factors

a.) Major changes in UI/UX of the app which is creating conflict with other features and not giving pleasent experience.

b.) App not performing well or pages taking longer than usual to open

c.) Sudden change in cost of food delivery

d.) Changes in advertisement and marketing campaign which affected religious sentiments.

External Factors

a.)Due to Natural Calamity, food delivery got affected due to which there is issue in delivering food.

b.) Due to fuel price hike, delivery workers went on strike for increase in there wages

c.) Increase in food delivery orders but lack of delivery agents to deliver on time.


1.) Users are not happy as the delivery fee got increased for the restaurants which are 7KM+ far from home

2.) Strength of current delivery agents are struggling in fulfilling the current demand of food orders.

3.) Due to bug, highly rated restaurants are shown at the end whereas low rated restaurants are shown at the top, due to which user have to again filter out the list which increased one more step to order food due to which users are not having positive response.

4.) Competitors are giving more competitive offers and they are creating marketing campaigns based on the recent trends due to which people are attracting towards them hence users are shifting there to order food which decreased the rating as well as number of orders.

Root Cause Analysis

1.) To bring back the users the company should focus on competitive pricing of food delivery based on different areas compared to competitors so that to improve customer retention to the platform.

2.) The company should hire more agents based on the order to agent ratio to decrease food delivery time and workload of the delivery agent, problem at both ends will get resolved after this.

3.)Based on the recent trends, company should create different marketing campaigns to be on top from other competitor like Zomato whose marketing is best. Should learn from them, and provide offers to users and interact with them by launching new contests to keep them attracted towards the platform.

After doing the necessary changes, we should analyze the metrics to verify if we have made improvements

