Swiggy In-Depth Interviews

swapnil kasera
6 min readMar 8, 2023

Problem Statement:- Swiggy wants to increase customer loyalty and retain the customers During the building process, Swiggy wants to understand the user pain points and requirements. As a PM, you are asked to talk to the users and understand the problems and needs of the users


To understand user pain points, and the needs of users, In-depth interviews with a few Swiggy users were conducted. All the users were from different professional backgrounds, lived in different cities, and belonged to different age groups. Some of the users who were interviewed were bachelors and lived alone, Some of them lived with their families.

Questionnaire :

To conduct In-depth interviews, a certain set of questions were framed to ask all the user participants. The questions were framed in a way to collect qualitative data from the users and to know about their behavior, and perceptions. The questions may vary and can be categorized based on the user personas. Here the questions are broadly categorized into some categories, like people who use Food delivery apps on regular basis, people who use food delivery apps occasionally, and some questions that may be common for all kinds of users.

Some of the questions asked are as follows.

  • Hi _____, How are you doing?
  • Can you introduce yourself?
  • What did you have for lunch/dinner today? Did you like it?
  • What’s your favorite dish that you are never bored of eating?
  • Do you prefer to eat your favorite dish at home or do you like to go out and eat?
  • How often do you eat that favorite dish? How much does it cost outside? (If not cooked at home)
  • Do you order food online? If yes, how often do you order?

People who order occasionally from Swiggy.

  1. Do you like to cook by yourself? How often do you cook at home?

2. What do you do when there are no required resources available to cook at home?

3. Do you prefer ordering food online or do you like to go to a restaurant and eat?

4. What differences do you feel, when you order something online, and when you eat the same dish at the restaurant?

5. Did you face any difficulty while ordering online?

6. Did you ever feel stuck at some point while placing an order?

7. What do you think about the time taken for the delivery?

8. Did you ever face any problems while communicating with the Delivery person?

9. Have you ever received the wrong order? If yes, what did you do in that case?

10. What other features of Swiggy, other than ordering food from restaurants that you are aware of? Do you use any of that features?

People who order regularly from Swiggy

1.) Is there any particular thing that you like ordering through Swiggy? What is the difference you feel when you get the same thing from a restaurant/shop?

2.) Once your order is placed, what is your preferred method of payment?

3.) Ever faced any difficulty while doing payments? Have you ever ordered for someone else from your mobile application? If yes, How was your experience in doing so?

4.) Does it ever happen to you, that the order you placed arrives late than the expected time shown on the app? What do you do in that case?

5.) Do you think about the price while ordering? Does this price factor ever bother you, if you can get the same thing at the restaurant/store at a cheaper price?

Insights gained from the interviews:

People who order occasionally from Swiggy:

  • From the interviews, it can be deduced that there is a certain segment of people who likes to cook daily at their homes. They do not prefer to eat outside or order food from food delivery apps.
  • Most of these people live with their families, and those who do not, are living alone in a different city, but cook by themselves every day, and take their home-cooked meals to their workplaces in tiffin.
  • Although, this set of people go and eat from outside or order online when there are no resources available to cook at home, or when they are too tired to cook by themselves. •
  • From the interviews, it was observed that this set of people prefers going out and eating in restaurants, rather than ordering online. They believe that the overall experience of eating and the quality of food at restaurants is much better when compared to the quality of food ordered online. They also feel that there is a significant difference in the price when ordering online and when going out and eating in a restaurant.
  • Although, when they are very tired to cook or even go out and eat, they choose to order online.
  • When asked about the user experience, it was observed that users do not feel any difficulty while navigating through the app at any point in their user journey. Sometimes they feel overwhelmed by looking at so many restaurant options to choose from and end up ordering nothing!
  • It was observed from the interviews, that sometimes they face problems with the delivery. They do not get their order delivered within the expected time shown in the app.
  • • Some users face problems when communicating with delivery partners. Sometimes if the user is in a different state, they feel the language barrier in communication when talking to the delivery partners. In some users’ experiences, the delivery partners do not deliver to their doorstep, despite providing the complete address.
  • • On very few occasions, users have received wrong orders in delivery. In these rare scenarios, they have lodged a complaint on the app, and based on that, they have received either a complete refund or coupons worth the price of their order.
  • • Apart from the main feature of food ordering on Swiggy, these users are aware of other features like grocery shopping on Swiggy instamart. Just like the food, they do not prefer ordering their groceries online. they feel that the delivery charges are high for groceries when ordered online compared to other departmental stores. Though, in case of any urgent requirement, they use Swiggy instamart to order groceries.

People who order regularly from Swiggy:

1.) Users who order regularly from Swiggy, are mostly working professionals living alone in a different cities. Most of them do not know how to cook and those who know, do not like to cook after a long and tiring day at work. So they prefer to order their desired food online.

2.) When asked about the difference between eating at restaurants, and ordering food online, most of them said that they prefer ordering online because they can enjoy their food at ease in the comfort of their homes. When asked about the quality, most of them feel that the quality depends significantly on the packaging of their order. If the packaging is good and delivered on time, then their order is likely to remain fresh.

3.) When asked about the differences in price, they do not feel that the prices on the app are significantly higher than the restaurants. The coupons available, and the subscription-based free delivery can sometimes make the bill amount even lower than the actual mentioned amount. And according to some of them, it makes no sense to go to restaurants in traffic and come back.

4.) When asked about the payment system, most of them find the payment process smooth. They do not face any difficulties while accessing different payment methods

