My Mindful Journey: Meditative Approach to Stress Management

Swarn Shauryam Swarnkar
4 min readJun 19, 2024


Stress seems to be an uninvited visitor overstaying its welcome in the hectic activity of today.

Managing homework, tests, and a social life, I discovered I was drowning in a sea of deadlines and expectations.

It was then that I came discovered mindfulness meditation as a lighthouse of peace among the stress tsunami.

My Search for Calm in a World of Stress

Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash

Imagine deadlines hovering like storm clouds, social demands buzzing like a colony of bees, and the weight of expectations descending like anvil.

Not that long ago, it was my life.

Recent surveys show how worried students are about stress; many of them are looking for sensible strategies to control it without turning to extreme methods like hiding under the bed or binge-watching cat videos (however tempting).

Embracing Mindfulness: A Lifeline Amidst Chaos

Mindfulness meditation is not only about sitting cross-legged and chanting “om,” like a calm sage on a hilltop among chaos.

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

It’s about teaching the mind to be present, to see without judgement, and to let go of the whirling anarchy endangering our inner serenity.

Imagine a mental dojo where you learn to spar with tension using only your breath and a disciplined mind.

The Science Behind Mindfulness and Stress Reduction

Photo by Tim Goedhart on Unsplash

Mindfulness meditation rewires our brain circuitry, according to recent scientific research, which improves our capacity to control emotions and lower stress.

It’s like switching from an outdated flip phone to the newest smartphone — you suddenly have fresh tools to gently negotiate the demands of life.

This age-old habit is not only a fad; strong studies support it as a powerful cure for our contemporary malaise.

  • Mindfulness Exercises: Simple yet powerful methods like conscious breathing or body scanning help us ground ourselves in the present moment and guide us from the fast waves of anxiety into the calm seas of awareness.
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): Developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) combines yoga with mindfulness meditation to provide a whole method of stress management. It increases resilience and lessens the effect of stresses, much like a power-up in a video game does.

Morning Meditation: A Ritual of Renewal

I reach my holy place every morning before the light peaks over the horizon so that my thoughts could arise and awake.

Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

Morning meditation is about establishing the tone for how I will dance through the obstacles of life, not only about beginning the day on the proper foot.

It helps me to face the day with clarity and peace, like a soft dawn painting the heavens in tones of tranquilly.

Unlocking the Power of the Subconscious Mind

Did you realise that behind the surface of our conscious awareness sits a huge ocean of the subconscious?

Here is where our strongest beliefs, wants, and anxieties swim like elusive mermaids. With its consistent beam of awareness, mindfulness meditation serves as a lighthouse helping us over these dark depths.

Our subconscious tendencies help us to untie the knots that bind us to stress and worry.

The Om Mantra: Chanting for Inner Harmony

Om, One syllable that fits the hum of the cosmos itself. Chanting the Om mantra is more than merely creating interesting sounds — though it does sound really good.

It is about tuning body, mind, and spirit like a musician tunes an instrument.

I feel Om’s vibrations pulsing through me when I recite it, releasing stress and calling serenity to live inside.

From Stress Life to Stress Less: My Transformation

Under the furnace of stress, I emerged as a fighter equipped with mindfulness rather than as a hero in shining armour in a span of 4 months of regular practicing along with ditching my smartphone (not completely though).

By means of constant practice, I came to see that stress is a teacher imparting lessons in resilience and self-awareness rather than a foe to be vanquished.

Every breath turned into a cue to go back to the present, where my choice of reaction rests.

Thus, Accepting peace. One Breath One at a Time

Stress could thread itself over a student’s life, but mindfulness meditation provides a loom to create areas of peace.

As I keep honing my skills, let me welcome you to personally discover this transforming trip.

Whether via morning meditation, yoga, or just stopping to breathe deeply, every instant gives an opportunity to recover your inner peace within the bustle of daily life.

Jon Kabat-Zinn says, “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”

So why not grab a symbolic surfboard and gracefully and deliberately ride the stress waves?



Swarn Shauryam Swarnkar

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