Are movies a waste of time ?

Swarup Rajbhandari
2 min readAug 8, 2016


Through out the globe, irrespective of the
religion,gender, geography, or the certain level of disparity created
by money, all of us human, have a desire, a wish to be like someone
else. To live like them, someone other's life. Those person who we
look to are our idols.
That's simple, a basic fundamental thing every
human being feels, may he/she be someone living in New York, or
someone from the remote villages of some African country. Everyday we
need someone to inspire us, to make us dream about how far we are
from living a good life.
And for the most of people, that someone is
always an actor, a successful one. One guy who plays in movies, the
actors may not make it in the world's richest list, which are
famously filled with businessman, and geeky nerds as of recent, but
an actor now seems to have a bigger role, and impact over the lives
of far too many people that any other person.
Off-course, I am not trying to say that Brad
Pitt is more important than Stephen Hawking, (lets not talk about the
legendary ones who are not breathing as of now.) but it just seems
that more people are looking towards actor than to any scientist,
doctor or businessman.
This question came to my mind, when a friend of
mine said on conversation that, movie actor and singers are not
really that important, that, they cannot be compared to science. Well
they cannot be compared, because they are two different fields. And
there is really no specific and justifiable measure to compare them
either. Like its said always, you can't compare a fish by its ability
to climb a tree.
The results of Science shows a good visible
impact in lives of humans. The whole human civilization is nurturing
because of science. From our ancestors living on a cave, to our
generation, just traveling at sky sitting on a comfortable seat, its
marvelous. And again thanks to science.
But even in this advance age, with countless
techniques and technical description for everything just a click away
at the Internet, something gets out of reach of science. Our very own
emotions. These are not the things, that can be measured. Emotions
are what makes us human. We are almost near to a inventing
Artificially Intelligent mechas, who are supposed to our advancement
in the natural chain. But the missing part for the AI are the
emotions. How do you program emotions into a machine. You can make it
all great, all smart, all fast, but you can't make it feel those
emotions, make them dream.
Art, music, movies are those things, that fondle
with the human emotions, not just the brains. There are mind teasing
movies, and sci-fi who work somewhat for the brainy guys. But others
are for ones who want to feel things, feel the romance, laugh off in
a comedy, inspired watching a biography or just enjoy a plain drama.
So, just enjoy a movie, feel it.

