Linux: Power User

Swarup Rajbhandari
3 min readAug 11, 2016


How to get the most out of your linux system.In short how do you make it more productive. The power of linux lies in terminal. So we got to do many of our things there. This article is based on the powerful terminal tools mostly.

1. wget

Talk about the most powerful feature this might end up as the best one. Wget is the command line downloader to download any file, without a need for third party downloader softwares. It is by default present in most of the linux distros.Just simply typewget <link to your file>eg. 	wget alchemist.pdf

2. youtube-dl

Like wget, this is another downloader, with
more fancy purpose of downloading the youtube videos. You can
simply install it by typing,
sudo apt-get install youtube-dlwhat follows is more interesting. You can start downloading youtube video with a click at terminal. Simply type, youtube-dl <youtube link of the video you want>you can check the manual of youtube video, you
can do many things, download it in different formats, or just the
.mp3 too.

3. fing

ok this one is interesting, it is a command
line tool to check who is using your network. It lists all the
devices connected to your network at the instance. For Debian based OS (eg.Ubuntu) just type
sudo dpkg -i overlook-fing-3.0.debit install fing in your system, after installation, typesudo fingand voila.

4. htop

You remember the days when in windows you used
to look at the system processes, what was it called, Task Manager, and
it showed you the details of memory usage with a graphical layout. Well linux is kind of geeky, and htop shows a geeky view of that.Simply install htop by typing,
sudo apt-get install htopand run, htop at terminal.

5. tlp

There's just so many complains regarding battery optimization. The battery drains quick, the unnecessary background processes that are always running. You never know what is going on behind the system. 
With TLP, you don't need to know. Once you install TLP it
will automatically set up your laptop performances and disable all
the battery hogging services that run in the background. Here's how to install it,
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw
to start tlp type,sudo tlp startNOTE: It sometimes even turns off the USB ports.

6. conky

Ok, out side of the terminal window, if you
want your friend to just get an awe feeling when they get a look at
your system, install conky, its a display manager sits comfortably at
the desktop, and shows you all the insights, from system usage to
recent songs being played, the devices connected. And its really easy to configure for different things to add on with simple scripts.
simply install it by typingsudo apt-get install conkythen type conkyand check your desktop. there it is. after that check different blogs to configure it as per your need. The link of the developer page is here.

There is no way I could ever complete this section. So I have used this famous section. :D

Honorable mentions:

7. rsync

8. iotop

9. vim

10. iftop

goes on and on and on…

enjoy googling :p.

