CSS units types— rem or em? Or should I use px?

Szymon Wasiak
4 min readJan 11, 2023


While we are styling our beautiful web pages, we use different types of units. It can be a little confusing to know when and which one to use in a certain situation. There is an answer! We will get to know how to use the correct type of CSS units so that elements on the website fit properly on different screen sizes.

Basically we can separate two kinds of CSS units :
- absolute unit (absolute values, always the same value)
- relative unit (based on other values, for example parent div element or viewport size)

Absolute units:
Absolute Length unit is a fixed unit across all devices/screen resolution. Absolute units are used, where responsiveness is not necessary.
Example usage: print page, header height, notifications width, footer etc.
Types of absolute units:
- px — pixels (commonly use in web) — 96px=1in
- pt — Points — 72pt = 1in
- in — Inches
- mm — Millimeters (useful when used for print)
- cm — Centimeters (useful when used for print)

Relative length units:
Relative length units are not fixed, but they are relative to other elements. It can be the size of the parent element’s font or the font size of the viewport. Using relative units allows the size of text or other elements to scale relative to everything else on the page. Relative units usually are being used for web and mobile applications.
Types of relative units:
- em — based on font-size of the parent, or based on font-size of the element itself (element itself is more important than parent)
- rem — font size of the root element
- vw — 1–100% of the viewport’s width
- vh — 1–100% of the viewport’s height
- % — percentages is always relative to the same property from parent element.

Code and explanations:

body {
font-size: 10px;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

Our root is html element which has <b>font-size: 10px</b> so our REM is equal to 10px

<div style="background-color: purple; width:1rem;"><br></div>
<b>Purple element</b> has width <b>1rem</b> so it means - to calculate how many px it is in real we have to do
operation: 1rem = 1 * REM = 1 * 10px - <b>in this case our root element is html, html has font-size: 10px</b>

<div style="background-color: red; width:1em;"><br></div>
<b>Red element</b> has width <b>1em</b> so it means - to calculate how many px it is in real we have to do
operation: 1em = 1 * EM = 1 * 10px - <b>in this case our parent element is body, body has font-size: 10px</b>

<div style="background-color:gray; font-size: 35px; width: 80%;">
<b>Gray element</b> has diffrient value for <b>font-size: 35px</b> and <b>width: 80%</b>

<div style="background-color: pink; width:1rem;"><br></div>
<b>Pink element</b> has width <b>1rem</b> so it means - to calculate how many px it is in real we have to do
operation: 1rem = 1 * REM = 1 * 10px - <b>in this case our root still is element html, html has font-size:

<div style="background-color: blue; width: 1em;"><br></div>
<b>Blue element</b> has width <b>1em</b> so it means - to calculate how many px it is in real we have to do
operation: 1em = 1 * EM = 1 * 35px - <b>in this case our parent element is gray div element, which has
font-size: 35px</b>

<div style="background-color: green; font-size:20px; width: 1em;"><br></div>
<b>Green element</b> has width <b>1em</b> and diffrient <b>font-size: 20px</b> so it means - to calculate how
many px it is in real we have to do operation: <s> 1em = 1 * EM = 1 * 35px - <b> in this case our parent element
is gray div element, which has font-size: 35px</b></s> - <b>NOT THIS TIME - if current element has own
font-size it has higher priority then parent so it means: 1em = 1 * EM = 1 * 20px </b>

<div style="background-color:aqua; width: 50%;"><br></div>
<b>Aqua element</b> has width <b>50%</b> so it means it is 50% of width of our parent (grey element)

<div style=" background-color: brown; width: 50vw;"><br></div>
<b>Brown element</b> has width <b>50vw</b> so it means it is 50 units of viewport width (viewport - the user's
visible area of a web page (0-100 range))



Example of different units

Source code available in github repository: https://github.com/WasiakSzymon/css-units-types-example




Szymon Wasiak

Hello, I'm Szymon Wasiak - web technology enthusiast. I know the world of Web2 well. Web3 beginner.