How to know that you should take coding as a career?

Swati Gupta
2 min readAug 7, 2020


Confused about whether you like coding or not…?

Should you take programming as a career or not…?

You have doubts about whether you would start but due to lack of interest, you will stop somewhere…?

If the answer is yes then let me tell you that Everyone Can Code!!!

Yes, you read it correctly. Everyone is capable of coding with some being born with it and some need more effort on the same. Even who says it's easy for them, its because they practiced it enough to get there (Don’t think that I am just saying stuff out of nowhere cause I myself have experienced it!). But in the end, you will learn to code. And as you start you might feel tough, but as you move further, you would feel that it is as smooth as understanding any new thing.

Let's take an example, you joined a school. You start to learn English by learning the basics. Initially, you felt too tough and you might wonder why are you studying so. But in the end, now, you just feel like it was necessary to learn that and now it is just a piece of cake.

Practice till you feel it’s just a piece of cake

All I want to say that practice makes a man perfect. So, practice till you get there!

There are some checkbox if you would enjoy it or not:
1. You are curious and like putting logic to everything.
2. You enjoy solving maths.
3. You love problem-solving.
4. You can sit on computers for 8+ hrs long and still not feel exhausted.
5. If you have that just 5 more minutes attitude towards programming.

If you could have a minimum of 3 of the qualities then congratulations you would love to code!

And…You are in the very right direction. Now pull-up of your socks and happy coding ;)

All the very best!

Also, if you like what I wrote, then, please share and comment.

