Cod Liver Oil Market Size, Opportunities and Growth Forecast (2023–2030)

Swati Tiwari
4 min readAug 9, 2023


Cod liver oil, a type of fish oil renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, has garnered significant attention, especially among bodybuilders and athletes seeking optimal health and performance. This article delves into the various dimensions of the global cod liver oil market, shedding light on its impact in the realm of sports nutrition and health supplementation.

cod liver oil market size

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Inclusion in Sports Nutrition: A Boost for Cod Liver Oil Market

The potential of cod liver oil as a health-enhancing supplement cannot be underestimated. Its rich content of omega-3 fatty acids has proven beneficial for muscle strength, reducing soreness, and even bolstering bone health through increased calcium absorption. This nutritional powerhouse is finding its place in the world of sports nutrition, as athletes seek avenues to optimize their performance and overall well-being.

As consumers increasingly gravitate towards products endorsed by prominent athletes, the demand for cod liver oil-enriched offerings has surged. The trend is exemplified by the launch of innovative products such as EO3’s omega-3 infused smoothie, which contains Norwegian cod liver oil and enticing berry flavors. Distributed across the UK and the US, this exemplifies how cod liver oil is carving a niche in the sports nutrition market, catering to health-conscious individuals and athletes alike.

Health Consciousness in the Age of COVID-19: A Catalyst for Cod Liver Oil Market Growth

Amid the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the health supplement sector displayed remarkable resilience. With a growing emphasis on immunity and overall well-being, the demand for nutraceuticals surged. Cod liver oil, with its immunity-boosting attributes, emerged as a sought-after supplement during these times.

Reports indicate a substantial increase in the sales of vitamin and nutrient supplements, including those enriched with cod liver oil. The desire to enhance immune systems and reduce health-related vulnerabilities led to a notable upswing in demand. Notably, this trend is not only confined to a single geography; it spanned across the United States, France, and the UK. The pandemic, while challenging, stimulated a heightened sense of health-consciousness, propelling the cod liver oil market onto an accelerated growth trajectory.

Innovative Product Launches: A Driving Force for Cod Liver Oil Market

The inherent benefits of cod liver oil have stimulated demand across various applications. The thirst for novel consumption options has prompted manufacturers to focus on new product developments. A prime example is the launch of Viking Tonic cod liver oil by Icelandic company True Westfjords under the Dropi brand. Similarly, Wiley’s Finest introduced Cod Liver Oil Plus, a brain health facilitator packed with essential nutrients. These new launches not only cater to evolving consumer preferences but also expand the market’s horizons, fostering sustained growth.

Europe and Asia Pacific: Fertile Grounds for Cod Liver Oil Market Expansion

Europe’s supremacy in fish oil production has positioned it as a dominant player in the cod liver oil market. Contributing approximately 21% of global fish oil production, the region enjoys a steady supply for diverse applications. A growing emphasis on balanced diets and immunity in Europe further fuels the demand for cod liver oil-enriched nutraceuticals.

In contrast, Asia Pacific is emerging as a promising market for cod liver oil. The region’s growing affinity for dietary supplements, coupled with increasing health awareness, contributes to the surge in demand. The anti-inflammatory properties and numerous health benefits of cod liver oil resonate with the Asian population, driving its consumption in the region.

Cod Liver Oil Market: A Glimpse into the Competitive Landscape

Among the key players in the cod liver oil market are LYSI Iceland, Olvea Fish Oils, Power Health Products Ltd., WN Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Nordic Naturals Inc., Nestle Health Science, and Omega Protein Corporation. These companies collectively shape the industry dynamics, working to meet the evolving consumer demands and contribute to the market’s expansion.

In conclusion, the global cod liver oil market is witnessing a transformative phase. From its integration into sports nutrition to its resilience in the face of a pandemic, cod liver oil’s significance is undeniable. As new products hit the market and regions across the globe embrace its benefits, the cod liver oil market is poised for continued growth and innovation.

FAQs About Cod Liver Oil

  1. What is cod liver oil’s role in sports nutrition? Cod liver oil’s omega-3 content supports muscle health, strength, and bone health, making it a valuable asset in sports nutrition.
  2. How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact the cod liver oil market? The pandemic fueled health-consciousness, driving the demand for immune-boosting supplements like cod liver oil.
  3. Which regions are driving the growth of the cod liver oil market? Europe remains a dominant producer and consumer, while Asia Pacific showcases rapid growth due to increasing health awareness.
  4. What are some innovative cod liver oil products on the market? Viking Tonic by True Westfjords and Cod Liver Oil Plus by Wiley’s Finest are noteworthy offerings.
  5. Who are the major players in the cod liver oil market? Key industry players include LYSI Iceland, Olvea Fish Oils, Power Health Products Ltd., and more.

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