Treating Cancer Pain

Swati Lamba
2 min readSep 10, 2021


7 Easy Ways to Deal with Cancer Pain

Cancer Pain

Cancer and its therapies most often give rise to different types of pain in the body. It is possible to manage them to a greater extent. However, treating them completely might not be achievable. Techniques that are used to relieve pain depend upon the severity of the condition and the type of cancer an individual has. In this article, you will learn about the ways to deal with cancer pain in general.

  1. Using over-the-counter pain relievers
    For cancer pain that is mild to moderate, over-the-counter medications (like aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen) can be used. These are non-prescription drugs. Such medicines can give short-term relief from cancer pain.
  2. Reduction or removal of malignant tumor
    Many times, doctors recommend surgical removal of cancer to the patient. This is because medications offer slow cancer treatment that may not be applicable for patients who have severe pain. For example, a medicine for blood cancer works by slowing the growth of new cancer cells in the body with no major focus on relieving pain. Therefore, surgical removal or reduction of malignant tumors can be helpful.
  3. Using antidepressants
    Some antidepressants including amitriptyline, duloxetine, and nortriptyline are used to relieve cancer pain in patients.
  4. Using corticosteroids
    Prednisone and other corticosteroids can be used (only by prescription) for the treatment of severe cancer pain. It is also used to reduce symptoms like swelling.
  5. Using anti-seizure medications
    Medications like carbamazepine and gabapentin are not only used to treat seizures but also to manage tingling and burning pain due to cancer therapies.
  6. Blocking certain nerves
    Patients who have acute and postoperative pain may be prescribed temporary nerve blocks. Such an option can provide short-term relief from pain. However, this technique can not be used frequently.
  7. Undertaking psychological approaches

Several psychological methods can be used to treat cancer pain. For example, patients receiving medicine for lung cancer may be afraid of developing severe after-effects.

Here, cognitive-behavioral therapy can work to lower cancer therapy-related pain.

Moreover, it is important to know that none of the therapies can guarantee 100% treatment of cancer pain in all patients. Some of them offer quick and short-term relief, while others give long-term relief from pain. Therefore, make sure to consult your medical team before undertaking any of these.




Swati Lamba

Doctor by profession and Writer by choice.