The New Me: A Guide to Perfect Health

Author: Gagan Dhawan

Swati Tanu
Jun 30, 2024
The picture of the book.
The New Me

“One tree can be made into a million matchsticks. But only one matchstick can burn a million trees!”

This book is a part of the series “The New Me” book set. It primarily focuses on health and fitness. But there are some chapters on Karma, Self-Discipline, Motivation, etc., which make it more interesting to read. The basic to intermediate level information is provided in the book to lead a healthy and happy life. It is definitely well-researched.

The picture of the book.
The New Me

The book presentation is gorgeous. Right from the cover design to some really good quotes. There are some real-life examples mentioned too, which are inspiring. Overall an informative read.

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Swati Tanu

Author, book enthusiast and coder. Sharing captivating reads and insightful reviews. Instagram: @tanunest