Ways to Get Rid of Raccoon

Swat Wildlife
3 min readMay 7, 2019


Raccoons are very adaptive to their surroundings which makes it difficult to get rid of them. They might look like the most adorable creatures, but they are one of the nastiest of all. They tend to goof around at nights in the dark and sneak into your yards and houses.

In case you are someone who is being troubled by these cute little critters you should take a look to the ways to get rid of them below:

Best Natural Raccoon Deterrents

  1. Spray cayenne pepper in the plants of your yard:

Raccoons loathe the smell of cayenne; it works as the best repellent for them. Prepare a gallon or two of cayenne pepper spray as instructed below:

Step 1:

Take a canister of cayenne pepper, mix it with 1 bottle of hot sauce

Step 2:

Add the combination of cayenne pepper and hot sauce into a gallon of water, store the solution in a spray bottle.

Step 3:

Spray the solution all over your backyard and bushes.

2. Ammonia:

Ammonia is another readily available solution for raccoon repellent, take some ammonia solution to sprinkle it wherever you last spotted the raccoon, also spray it around and inside your trash cans. This will keep them away from the places they are prone to cause damage.

3. Get a raccoon trap:

So a raccoon has entered your house, the first thing he is going to look for is a safe place to stay, it could be places like attics, crawl spaces, sheds, and so forth. Once you find out where he is taking shelter you can plan his eviction by getting a trap the same size as the raccoon, and also strong enough to contain it; you can choose any bait as raccoons are omnivorous.

If you have tried and tested everything and yet they won’t go away, you can call professionals from wildlife removal or animal control to catch them.

How to keep Raccoons away

  • Close the possible accesses:

Once they are out of the house, ensure to close all the possible entrances. Seal all possible accesses like chimneys.

  • Keep your pet’s food secure:

Remember to take the food bowls and water bowls of your pets inside the house after their meal time is finished, especially at night do not let them rest in your yard all night. It’s an invitation for dinner to the raccoons.

  • Keep your backyard clean:

Nothing attracts raccoons more than food and mess. It’s essential to keep your yard clean to avoid them.

  • Protect your trash:

Trash bins are their most liked places to sneak in, sprinkle ammonia around it, this should help in keeping them away from it. Also, take the trash bin inside the house at night.

  • Keep your garage clean:

The garage is another place they tend to take shelter in, make sure you keep your garage clean and hygienic; free of any food items.

  • Motion Activated devices:

You can scare away raccoons by using these motion activated devices like scarecrows, floodlights, radio, sound producing devices. You should keep swapping these devices as they can get accustomed to them.

  • Keep bird feeders out of reach:

Make sure you have set your bird feeders high enough for a raccoon not to be able to reach, they will never forget the house they get used to feeding in.

  • Close the yard with an electric fence:

Another way to secure your house entirely is to get the electric fences around your house. They can still climb up the standard metal fences with the help of poles or trees.


Raccoons might seem harmless, but they can be dangerous to your and your pet’s health as they might be carrying roundworm, fleas, and distemper along with them. These precautions will help in keeping you safe from the clutter created by them. In case all this does not help, you can reach out to the animal control to solve the issue.



Swat Wildlife

SWAT Wildlife is a humane wildlife removal company that specializes in animal removal, raccoon removal in the greater Toronto — swatwildlife.com