3 compelling Japanese concept for personal development

2 min readMar 18, 2020

The experience of personal growth is a fantastic feeling. Overcoming obstacles you never expected you would learn different skills, find out new sides about yourself and gain insights. Below you will learn about three Japanese concept you can apply while working on personal growth that will not add stress and help you develop in your own pace towards your goals.


Instead of pursuing for a massive change at once, aim making a minor one daily under a long time. Kaizen means continuous improvement, but if you’re to improve by 1% this will make a huge change. During the long run, you will have less stress but still continue towards your goal. Say you wish to develop a new habit, doing so gradually will have a greater success rate than starting out with too much at once. Imagine how much you can improve if you just try to do 1% better than yesterday each day.

It’s not a secret that we feel worse by comparing ourselves to others. But we still do. The Japanese concept Oubaitori means that we should not compare ourselves. People who spend too much time on social media platforms feel worse than those who spent the time on alternative activities. Social media cause stress, anxious, low self-esteem and loneliness. Same goes if we compare our achievements to others, where we feel less happy what we achieved in relationship to others. Instead, focus on what you want to change and measure your progress.


Ikigai is the meaning of life, what motives you and get you excited. This gives you inner strength energy and brings satisfaction. Ikigai motivates you, keeping a strong Ikigai will fuel and help to continue on personal development. This is great as a charged battery, so you can feel you have the resources you need to take the steps needed.


Combining the tree Japanese concept of Kaizen, Obaitori and Ikigai can help you on your way towards your personal goals. First, strive for small changes during a long time will help you succeed better than making to big change at once. Second, make sure to focus on your own results and don’t compare yourself to others. Third, find your ikigai, your purpose, will help you keep your fire to keep going.




A semi nomadic and curious couple, living an alternative and minimalistic lifestyle, striving to make each day unique.