Sweet Gema
8 min readDec 12, 2023



Technology is not just about cool gadgets and smart devices but also about being a good digital citizen. Imagine having a secret map, like a treasure guide, for making sure everything in the digital world is fair, safe, and awesome for everyone. That’s exactly what we’re discussing today: "An Ethical Blueprint for Tomorrow’s IT."

It’s like having a roadmap to navigate the broad digital landscape, making sure we create, code, and compute with a sprinkle of fairness and a dash of responsibility. In this article, I will provide an ethical blueprint on various topics, analyze some case studies, and provide some recommendations for an ethical digital space.

Ethical issues in IT Intellectual property

Ethical issues in IT’s intellectual property involve fair use and rights related to digital content, software, and innovations. With digital information easily copied, debates about copyright, fair compensation for creators, and stopping piracy intensify (Bernnard et al., 2022).

Intellectual properties includes all the intangible creations of the mind
Intellectual properties includes all intangible creations of the mind

There’s a challenge in balancing the protection of creators’ rights with making information accessible. Also, questions arise about sharing data ethically, software piracy, and patenting software algorithms, affecting innovation, fair competition, and the ethical duties of IT experts in respecting and protecting creations. Finding a fair balance between encouraging innovation, respecting rights, and ensuring fair access to information is the core challenge in IT’s intellectual property ethics.

Ethical Issues in IT Software development

Ethical concerns in IT software development involve creating, deploying, and managing software responsibly.

This includes issues like safeguarding user data, ensuring security, and considering the impact of software on society. It’s about using data ethically, being transparent with how data is handled, and protecting against software weaknesses. Balancing business goals with user safety and privacy is crucial. There are also concerns about biased algorithms, unfair software practices, and the ethical implications of automated decision-making. Ethical considerations guide software design and development to promote responsible innovation and societal welfare.

Ethical Issues in IT Social networking

Ethical issues in IT social networking involve respecting user privacy, securing data, and ensuring accurate information. Platforms face dilemmas about handling user data responsibly, getting consent for data use, and preserving privacy despite widespread data collection (Dhiman, 2023).

There’s also the challenge of combating fake news, hate speech, and harmful content while allowing free expression. Meeting ethical responsibilities means creating algorithms that prioritize truth over sensationalism, reducing division, and giving users more control over what they see (ASHA, 2020). Balancing user engagement and profits with creating a safe and reliable online space presents big ethical challenges in IT social networking.

Ethical Issues in IT Privacy and anonymity

Ethical concerns in IT regarding privacy and anonymity focus on protecting people’s personal information, ensuring it’s kept confidential, and respecting users’ choice to stay anonymous online (IEEE, 2023). This means handling data responsibly, being clear about how data is used, and getting permission before using it.

Balancing using data for innovation with respect for privacy is a big challenge. Ethical considerations also involve safeguarding identities, ensuring secure communication, and defending against privacy breaches. It’s about implementing strong security measures, supporting technologies that enhance privacy, and having clear rules that prioritize user privacy and anonymity in the digital world (Xiaohui Zheng, et al., 2020).

Ethical Issues in IT Globalization in IT

Ethical issues in IT globalization involve dealing with different laws, cultures, and values while sticking to universal ethical principles.

IT professionals face challenges like varying privacy rules, different ways of protecting ideas, and unique ethical dilemmas in different places. It’s about respecting local laws and customs while following ethical standards that apply everywhere. Managing information across cultures requires a careful balance between global connection and respecting cultural differences. To handle this, IT professionals need to approach technology use on a global scale with a thoughtful and ethical perspective.

Case Study for Ethical issues in IT social networking

Dilemma: A social media platform is in a tough spot because its algorithm, which is meant to keep users interested, ends up sharing exaggerated or false posts that divide people and spread wrong information. This creates a big problem: the platform wants to keep users engaged, but these posts cause fights and spread lies. They need to figure out how to balance making money and keeping users happy while doing the right thing for society and stopping false information from spreading. Over the years, Facebook has faced these ethical challenges and concerns related to its algorithm and content dissemination on the platform.


Facebook, being one of the largest social media platforms globally, has faced criticism for the unintended consequences of its algorithmic design. The news and algorithm, initially aimed at increasing user engagement, have been accused of contributing to the spread of misinformation and fake news and fostering polarization.

Posts that people can see on their feeds based on their online activities


Implement an algorithmic update prioritizing authentic information, minimizing polarizing content, and providing users with control over their feed’s content. This resolution aims to make the platform more trustworthy, decrease harmful content, and give users more control over what they view, fixing the problems caused by the old algorithm.

Case Study for Ethical issues in Software Development

Dilemma: A software company discovers a security vulnerability in its product but faces pressure to prioritize release schedules over fixing the flaw. The problem arises when a software company finds a security issue in its product but is pushed to prioritize releasing it on schedule instead of fixing the problem. On one side, there’s the need to ensure the software is safe and reliable for users. On the other hand, there’s pressure to stick to deadlines and launch the product as planned. This puts the company in a tough spot, having to choose between meeting market demands and doing what’s right for user security. It’s a dilemma of balancing timely delivery with the ethical responsibility of protecting users from potential risks.

Creating, designing, deploying and supporting software

In 2017, Microsoft encountered a significant security vulnerability in the Windows operating system just days before the scheduled monthly security update release, known as “Patch Tuesday.” The security flaw, named “EternalBlue,” was a critical vulnerability in the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, which could potentially allow remote code execution and enable the rapid spread of malware.


Prioritize user safety and ethical responsibility by immediately addressing the vulnerability, even if it causes delays in the release schedule. The solution is to focus on users’ safety and ethical responsibility by fixing the vulnerability right away, even if it means delaying the product’s release. It’s about putting users first and making sure their data is safe from any potential risks posed by the flaw. Even though it might cause delays, addressing the problem promptly shows the company’s commitment to ethical standards and prioritizing users’ security over meeting strict deadlines.

Policy Recommendations

Ethical Code of Conduct: Establish a comprehensive code of ethics for IT professionals, emphasizing integrity, transparency, and respect for user rights.

Data Privacy Protocols: Implement stringent data privacy policies, ensuring explicit user consent, data encryption, and regular audits to uphold privacy standards.

Continuous Education: Encourage ongoing education on ethics and technology for IT professionals, fostering a culture of ethical decision-making and awareness.

Global Perspective

Diverse cultures & values

Globalization demands a nuanced approach to ethics. Policies must consider diverse cultural values, legal frameworks, and societal norms across different regions (Abdurakhmonova et al., 2021). Collaboration with international stakeholders and adherence to globally accepted ethical principles will be crucial in navigating the ethical challenges presented by globalization.

The most challenging part of creating my ethical blueprint was bringing together different views on what’s right and wrong while also considering how these views vary across cultures (Abdurakhmonova et al., 2021). It was tricky to find a balance between universal ethical rules and the unique beliefs of different societies. This means understanding that what’s okay in one culture might not be the same in another. It took me a lot of research and careful thinking to make sure the blueprint covered a wide range of ethical ideas while respecting cultural differences.

A policy recommendation from my blueprint that I think is crucial for the future of IT ethics is continuous education for IT professionals.

It is vital because technology changes fast, and by regularly learning new things, IT experts can keep up with the latest ethical issues. This helps them make better choices when creating and using technology. It’s about staying updated, so they can innovate responsibly and make sure their work meets ethical standards as technology evolves. This policy encourages a proactive attitude among IT professionals, stressing the importance of both technical skills and ethical knowledge to handle the challenges that come with modern technology.


This course and my final project have absolutely changed my perspective on my role as an IT professional. It has broadened my view of what IT professionals need to do ethically. How our choices in technology can seriously affect people, communities, and even the whole world. It made me realize how important it is to stick to ethical rules when working with technology. Emphasizing that ethics should always be a crucial part of how we create and use technology, not something we think about later. It’s made me more aware of how our decisions in IT can have big impacts, stressing the need to carefully consider ethical challenges that come up in this fast-paced field.


Abdurakhmonova, M. M., Mirzayev, M. A. ugli, Karimov, U. U., & Karimova, G. Y. (2021). Information Culture And Ethical Education In The Globalization Century. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 03(03), 384–388.

ASHA. (2020). Ethical Use of Social Media.

Bernnard, D., Bobish, G., Hecker, J., Holden, I., Hosier, A., Jacobson, T., Loney, T., Bullis, D., Bruce, Y., & Anders, K. (2022). 8.2 Ethical Issues and Intellectual Property.

Dhiman, D. B. (2023, April 25). Ethical Issues and Challenges in Social Media: A Current Scenario.

IEEE. (2023). Ethical Issues Related to Data Privacy and Security: Why We Must Balance Ethical and Legal Requirements in the Connected World — IEEE Digital Privacy.

Intellectual-property law — Economic and ethical issues. (n.d.). Encyclopedia Britannica.

Xiaohui Zheng, Jindra miller, webmaster. (2020). TECHNOLOGY AS A THREAT TO PRIVACY: Ethical Challenges to the Information Profession.



Sweet Gema

Student and learner - IT project management, digital business world,cyber security,programming languages and artificial intelligence. I like art, and football.