4 min readApr 3, 2021

《陰陽魔界The Twilight Zone》


“The Twilight Zone — A comprehensive collection of mystical tales where people try to solve their problems using their own unique ideas.”

所以紐約時報用英文撰寫的作者Raymond Zhong文中用《The Twilight Zone》來形容台灣,比喻全世界幾乎低靡的經濟、高失業率,和疫情衝擊下的損失跟死亡率。台灣人竟然可以正常的參加婚禮、看職棒、聽演奏會跟逛夜市,太不可思議了。而且就這樣過了好幾個月。台灣人口比佛羅里達州人口還多,竟然因COVID-19死亡的人數兩隻手就數得出來。(暗指佛羅里達州死更多人)


“The New York Times:

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Consider for a moment, in this time of anguish and loss and death, of mass unemployment and flattened national economies, the Twilight Zone alternate reality that is Taiwan.

For months and months, life on the island has been, in a word, normal — spookily so. Weddings have been held, worry free. People have packed pro ball games, attended cello concerts and thronged night markets. Taiwan’s population is larger than Florida’s, but its Covid-19 death toll can be counted on two hands.”


“For months and months, life on the island has been, in a word, normal — spookily so.”



“I am pleased to announce the upcoming visit of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft to Taiwan, a reliable partner and vibrant democracy that has flourished despite CCP efforts to undermine its great success. Taiwan shows what a free China could achieve.”


“Taiwan shows what a free China could achieve, (a communist China couldn’t).


Taiwan shows what a free China “has achieved”.

