Leisurely Productivity at Coffee Shop Study Hall

Fog City Bloomer
2 min readMay 23, 2016


Hollow in the Inner Sunset in San Francisco

Before returning to work last summer, I was lucky enough to take a (sabbatical) year and a half off to relax, regroup and explore. After a while, however, I began to feel uneasy whenever anyone asked what I did to fill the time. Though I felt vaguely “busy,” I realized I had little to show for it.

Luckily, I found myself in the company of new friends who either worked remotely or whose work schedules were highly flexible. They were also highly social, creative and driven.

And so my good friend Suzette got us all together to form a non-student version of Coffee Shop Study Hall. We met once a week at various cafes at our separate tables, working on our separate projects, bolstered by the camaraderie. During our lunch break, we would come together to chat about our progress or simply catch up. The results were both productive and bonding.

When Suzette unexpectedly decided to go back to work full-time (gasp!), our mutual friend Kathleen took the reins and continued Study Hall, supported by me as a dependable regular. The group was smaller but more focused on goal setting and productivity. We began to meet three times a week, and it was by far the most productive part of my week.

Our regular cafe became our office. We started to suggest changes to the owner and create our own drinks, and even went so far as to give other patrons dirty looks if they unwittingly took “our” table. Kathleen and I were on a roll, crossing off item after item on our “to do” lists. It was fantastic.

From the creative chaos of my leisure life sprang a loose structure centered around laptops, caffeine and friendship. When people asked me now what I did to fill my time, I told them about Coffee Shop Study Hall. In it, I had found that sweet spot of leisurely productivity.

Originally published on www.fogcitybloomer.com.



Fog City Bloomer

The Fog City Bloomer blog is a Gen Xer’s love letter to San Francisco — my city and muse! www.fogcitybloomer.com