Making Every Day Well-Lived (Part 2 of 3)

Fog City Bloomer
2 min readJun 3, 2016


Coffee tasting at TEDx Marin @ The Kanbar Center for the Performing Arts, Marin JCC

In part 1, I layed out my daily priorities for building a creative life. In today’s post, I’d like to focus on the human (and animal) connections that support this life.

For me, the daily building blocks for a well-lived life include…


Loving my family and friends.

It’s essential not to lose sight of my friends and family’s wants and needs, and to really listen and guide and support them when needed. While it’s important to take time for myself to make sure I’m doing what I need to do without constant distraction, it’s equally important to make time for others. There has to be give-and-take.

Connecting deeply with loved ones.

Every day is an opportunity to get to know the people who are most important to me and to let them know me better. That’s where openness and honesty come in, as well as time together. While catching up on Facebook can be better than nothing when everyone’s busy, it’s not the place for real connection. That requires time out to talk on the phone or better yet meet in person and share an adventure or talk over problems and — more crucially — feelings.

Being generous.

While this includes giving money to causes I care about, the focus here is really about being generous with my time, energy and attention to the people around me. It also means generous with trust and giving people the benefit of the doubt. It’s easy to make assumptions and to let myself be hurt or offended, but it’s counter-productive. I try, instead, to look at things from the other person’s perspective. It’s challenging, but everything becomes easier with practice.

Creating and maintaining a welcoming and organized space.

This is a daily challenge, but keeping my home and office well organized and comfortable shows respect not just for my space but for myself and those who enter. It encourages both productivity and relaxation, and provides less opportunity for procrastinating. And I definitely need help with that last one.

Championing animal rights.

Sometimes, this is not a pleasant one. While it’s near and dear to my heart, facing stories and images of animal abuse can be difficult. And it’s easy to feel helpless in the face of so much suffering. But I remind myself that if I can make even the smallest difference for one animal, it’s worth it. For me, education is the key. I make sure to educate myself and then share that knowledge when I can. While my cat Belly may not care about my efforts (she’s happy as long as I cuddle and feed her), I feel more at peace knowing that I’m trying.

In part 3, I’ll address the importance of building habits and widening my perspective.

Originally published on



Fog City Bloomer

The Fog City Bloomer blog is a Gen Xer’s love letter to San Francisco — my city and muse!