5 Etsy Secrets that YOU can’t Miss!

Sweta Sharma
6 min readOct 8, 2023

(You’ll be awe-stuck with these hacks.)

Imagine: Your Etsy shop generating sales while you sleep, your inbox flooded with messages from delighted customers, and your products becoming the talk of the town.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

Tell me, have you ever wondered how some Etsy sellers effortlessly climb the ladder of success while others just struggle to do that?

I think the difference lies in the STRATEGY.


The difference is created by the HACKS that these star sellers follow.

I myself felt the difference when I started using these hacks.

So, if you’re tired of your products getting lost in the Etsy crowd and curious about the secrets behind those Etsy shops with thousands of glowing reviews, then follow along.

In this article, I’m going to unveil four jaw-dropping Etsy hacks that will skyrocket your sales, boost your visibility, and elevate your Etsy journey to new heights.

Let’s dive in!

1. Say Good-bye to Listing Fee

Etsy fee is a nagging concern!

Though we wish to create as many listings as possible, along with that in the back end of our mind we’re wondering about the additional listing fee that we have to pay if we create a new listing.

But, what if we told you there’s a way to keep those precious dollars in your pocket?

Yes, you heard it right!

You can save your hard-earned money and reinvest it back into your work by prompting your Etsy affiliate link.

Let me give you a brief overview about it.

When someone opens a store on Etsy using your unique affiliate link, both you and your referral get free listings.

It’s a win-win!

Don’t you think so?

Visit the link to know more: https://www.etsy.com/legal/policy/earn-free-listings/239323720100

2. Hide Your Sales History

Sales history is an important thing for any seller.

People can check your sales history and if they can find what items from your shop are selling like hotcakes, they can replicate them.

And the most important thing — you won’t know how it happened?

But Etsy provides you an option that can save you from the copycats!

Here’s how to do this!

· Log into Your Etsy Account. Head to your seller dashboard and click on ‘Shop Manager’.

· After that navigate to ‘Settings’ and then ‘Options’.

Snippet showing Options tab in Etsy

· Scroll down to the ‘Sold Listings’ section. You’ll find an option to hide the number of sales on the listings.

Toggle this off, and voila! Your sales history is now private.

Snippet showing Sold Listings Option in Etsy

3. Use 13 Tags in a Smart Way

Tags are the real superheroes!

Believe it or not, your Etsy success depends on the way you use tags in your listings.

Buyers find your items through the tags or keywords which you use.

They make your product visible to the right audience, ensuring your masterpiece doesn’t get lost in the Etsy shuffle.

Now, here is the cache.

As you may know, we have to fill an extra 13 tags in our Etsy listing to make it SEO friendly, but typing each tag one by one somewhere takes our extra time.

What if I say I’ve a solution for this tedious task TOO!

Ok, here’s how to do it.

Once you’re crafted the title, description and other necessary details, and you’re about to type your tags in the tag box, instead of typing them there, open a Word file or notepad.

Type your tags, separate them with a comma, and then just paste the whole string into the tag box.

Hit enter, and you’ll see the magic!

Etsy magically divides them into individual tags for you.

4. Using Etsy Search Analytics

Analytics play a crucial role on every platform.

As an Etsy seller you need to understand how shoppers find your store, or what keywords are driving people to your store.

Etsy Search Analytics is the key to do that.

It’s like your shop’s secret guidebook.

It tells you the exact words people type when they’re searching for products like yours.

To use this feature, log into your Etsy account and then head over to the Shop Manager option.

Then to Marketing and finally click on Search Analytics.

Here, you’ll see your traffic analytics from Etsy Search.

If you scroll down, you’ll see the keywords.

Now, once you’ve identified these keywords, it’s time to use them wisely.

Incorporate these words naturally into your item titles, descriptions, and tags.

For example, if ‘handmade jewelry’ is a popular search term, make sure it’s mentioned in your product titles and descriptions.

By doing this, your products are more likely to appear when buyers search for those specific terms.

It’s a simple yet effective way to improve your shop’s visibility and attract the right customers.

That’s it peeps!

Try these hacks and let me know what other hacks you try.

Note: Just a friendly heads-up — This blog contains affiliate link. If you’re up for it, click away, and we can both share in the goodness together!

Before I let you go, If you find any value from this blog, let me know by dropping claps, comments and shares. This just feels like a pat on the back😊❤️

Let’s create a world of creatives together!

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Sweta Sharma

Hey! I'm Sweta, an editor turned content creator. Join my 13k+ community to start your online journey now🚀Side Hustle Blueprint ⬇️ https://t.co/eoh0QJCSik