7 FREE Ways to Find Keywords That Every Print on Demand Seller Must Try Once!

Sweta Sharma
8 min readApr 14, 2024


(Only Use These If You’re Serious About Passive Income💰)

Print on Demand is becoming the hot topic!

It seems like everybody is working towards this side hustle.

But, have you ever noticed, why there’s a deep valley between people who’re making a living with Print on Demand and someone who’s barely getting their first sale?

The answer is pretty simple!

It’s the — Strategy that makes this difference.

The online space isn’t the same.

It’s not like you put in 100 designs and overnight you’ll start earning 10000$.

But, you can achieve this if you stay consistent and follow the right strategy.

Look at the given equation to understand what I’m trying to say!

Success on POD (Print on Demand) = Research + Consistency + Persistence.

As you can see, Research is absolutely important in POD.

You’ve to put in the effort to crack the SEO, if you want to get organic traffic.

SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization is nothing but the use of right keywords.

I’ve previously created some articles based on this, do give them a read⬇️

Believe it or not, keywords play a very important role in your POD journey.

Now, the question is how will you find which keywords you should use while writing and tagging your products.

Well, let me help you figure out this so-called PROBLEM😊, by sharing 7 FREE ways by which you can find keywords for your designs!

Just follow along, and you’ll know in no time, which tools to use to become SEO optimized and consequently make more money.

1. ERank

ERank is a great tool which I personally use to do research for my Etsy and POD stores.

Here’s how to use it:

Enter your email address and create a password.

After that login using the email and password.

Once you’re logged in, on your left-hand side, you’ll find an option titled ‘Keyword Research’.

Click on that and from the drop-down menu select ‘Keyword Tool’.

Type in your keyword in the search bar and then click on the search icon.

Scroll down, you’ll see potential keywords right in front of you!

Bonus Hack : Before choosing which keywords to use, you’ve to keep in mind the competition level.

You’ve to select keywords which are high in demand but low in competition.

Check this post, where I share with you a trick to find such keywords⬇️.

2. Teepublic Tags Directory

TeePublic is a print-on-demand (POD) marketplace where artists and designers can upload their artwork and sell it on a variety of products.

If someone makes a purchase, the artists receive a certain amount in the form of commission.

You can use this platform itself to find keywords.

They’ve an inbuilt goldmine of keywords in the form of ‘Tag Directory’.

Let’s see how to access it!

Under the ‘Explore’ tab, you’ll see the ‘Tag Directory’ option.

Click on that!

And, there you’ve it — the massive library of keywords at your fingertips!

To find more keywords related to a specific word, just click on that word.

For example : Music.

Once you click on that keyword, you’ll be automatically redirected to the product page of Teepublic, where you can see the related keywords.

Note them down and use them while describing or tagging your designs.

3. Pinterest

Pinterest is another gem when it comes to researching keywords.

I’m a Pinterest creator myself, so I know how important it’s to use the search bar to find potential keywords.

If you don’t have a Pinterest account, just sign in as usual.

Now, type in the keyword and you’ll get suggested keywords related to your seed keyword.

If you want to dig deeper into a specific keyword, like ‘Baseball Dad Shirts,’ just click on it.

You’ll also find additional keywords under the ‘Related Searches’ tab.

4. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool offered by Google Ads.

While its primary function is to help with campaign planning for advertisements, it also has a handy feature for keyword research.

How to Use it for POD Keywords:

  • Set Up a Free Google Ads Account: You’ll need a free Google Ads account to access the Keyword Planner.

Head over to https://ads.google.com/home/tools/keyword-planner/ and click ‘Start now.’

You can create an account without starting an ad campaign.

  • Discover New Keywords: Once you’re in, choose ‘Discover new keywords.’
  • Enter Your Keywords: Type in the keyword.

Let’s say you’re creating some ‘DAD T-Shirt’ designs.

As stated, type in the keyword, select your target country and click on ‘Get Results’.

You’ll get a bunch of keywords within seconds.

Use the ‘Download Keywords Ideas’ option to download all these keywords.

5. TopRedbubbleIndex

This website is specifically designed to do research for Redbubble, another POD platform.

To use it, go to the ‘Redbubble Keyword Research’ option, then follow the same steps.

Don’t forget to check this post to know how to use Pinterest & Redbubble to find winning products!

7. Keyword.IO

Refer to this blog post to know about this in detail⬇️

Final Thoughts🎯

Try these amazing ways, be consistent, find potential keywords, use them strategically while writing and tagging your products.

Believe me you’re definitely going to crush it!

Remember consistency always pays off!

See you in the next value-packed article.

Till then, keep learning, keep growing!

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

If you’re on the lookout for content related to Passive Income, Digital Marketing, AI, etc. tap that ‘Follow’ button and be a part of my amazing community.

It feels great to have awesome people in team❤️

PS: I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Feel free to drop a comment or message. Your input makes this journey even more special. 🌟

Note: Just a friendly heads-up — This blog contains affiliate link. If you’re up for it, click away, and we can both share in the goodness together! By the way, the content is absolutely free and by using these links you’re supporting my work, which means a lot to me.



Sweta Sharma

Hey, I'm Sweta🙌 an editor turned content creator. I'm here to help you create, grow, and monetize🚀Join the Clan ➡️https://thebreakoutinsights.substack.com/