Day 16-21 Updates: 75-Hard Challenge

(Yesterday’s evening was the toughest, so far. Here’s why!)

Sweta Sharma
6 min readJul 22, 2024

Hey, fam!

I’m back with Day 16–21 updates of the 75-hard challenge.

In case you missed the previous updates, you can check them here⬇️

12 stories

Wooh! It’s been 21 days of beating up this challenge.

Frankly speaking — I didn’t expect I’d come so far.

Because in my entire lifetime:

  • I haven’t been to the gym or done any physical activity for 21 days straight
Image by Author (Don’t judge the hairstyle, it’s my hair-oiling day😊)
  • I haven’t walked 10k steps daily
  • I haven’t said ‘NO’ to my sugar cravings.
  • I haven’t read a book for such a long period.

And, a hell lot of other things.

These changes have been significant, but there are still so many areas where I need to improve.

What I Need to Fix in My Workout Routine?

I’m currently hitting the gym whenever possible, and if I can’t make it, I do yoga instead.

I genuinely want to include abs workouts in my routine and that’s why I’ve created a special section for them in my habit tracker.

Lol! Not a well-represented graph yet. But, anyways…

The 10k steps challenge is going really well and I want to pat my back for the same.

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20

Day 21

What I Need to Fix in My Diet?

I’ve decided it’s time to give my meals a fun and nutritious makeover!

To do this, I’m thinking of creating a weekly meal plan for myself, keeping in mind these 3 factors:

  • cooking time
  • taste
  • nutritional value

Once I make it I’ll share it with you. In case, you want to try an Indian dish🙌

By preparing meals in advance, I hope to avoid impulsive food choices and stay on track with my health goals.

Here’s the detailed diet & nutrition-related info for days 16 to 21.

Day 16: Diet & Nutrition

Day 17: Diet & Nutrition

Day 18: Diet & Nutrition

Day 19: Diet & Nutrition

Day 20: Diet & Nutrition

Day 21:Diet & Nutrition

My Emotional State Right Now!

Photo by Yuyang Liu on Unsplash

I’m feeling pretty good these days — positive, calm, and excited about the work that I’m doing.

It’s such a relief to be surrounded by supportive people, with no toxic influences dragging me down (except for a few).

I’ve been pouring my energy into creating regular content across different platforms.

LinkedIn has become one of the top priorities.

Also, working on my website.

But, one thing that’s more exciting than all of this is — I’m planning to start a newsletter!

It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and it’s finally happening.

I’m still in the early stages, brainstorming names, playing with designs, and figuring out what type of content I like to share with my people.

I can’t wait to share it with you all when it’s ready.

By the way, if you’ve any name suggestions, I’m all ears!

Even though things are going well overall, I had a bit of a rough patch yesterday evening.

Out of nowhere, I started feeling like I wasn’t good enough. I had no idea why.

It was my walking time.

So, I was alone in the park and suddenly these demons of negative thoughts started attacking my brain.

I called my friend, talked to him for a while, and slowly I’m back to normal.

I know it may sound a bit off-track, but I’m sharing this because I think it’s important to be honest about these moments.

Remember: We all have ups and downs, and that’s OK.

Final Thoughts!

As I wrap up this update on my 75-hard challenge, I’m filled with a mix of emotions.

These past 21 days have been a rollercoaster of achievements and struggles.

I’m so proud of how far I’ve come — maintaining consistent workouts, hitting 10k steps daily, resisting cravings — these are all huge wins for me!

I’m learning that it’s OK to have ups and downs. What matters is how we handle them and keep moving forward.

Photo by A. L. on Unsplash

How do you cope when anxiety or self-doubt creeps in? What strategies have worked for you to push through tough moments?

I’d love to hear your experiences and maybe pick up some tips for the next time I hit a rough patch.

Catch you in the next update. Same vibe, same place🌈!

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

If you’re on the lookout for content related to Passive Income, Digital Marketing, AI, etc. tap that ‘Follow’ button and be a part of my amazing community. It feels great to have awesome people on the team❤️

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Sweta Sharma

Hey, I'm Sweta🙌 an editor turned content creator. I'm here to help you create, grow, and monetize🚀Join the Clan ➡️