Day 6, 7 & 8 Updates: 75 Hard Challenge

Sweta Sharma
7 min read6 days ago


(I discovered something I didn’t know)

Hey everyone!

I’m back with updates on my 75 Hard Challenge i.e. Day 6, 7 & 8.

In case you missed the previous updates, you can check them here⬇️

75 -Hard Challenge

Day 6

I woke up this morning feeling better than yesterday.

After getting out of bed, I jumped right into some household chores like- making my bed, tidying up the room, etc.

It feels good to start the day with a clean space😊.

Then it was time to hit the gym. Today’s workout was focused on thighs.

After finishing the thigh workout, it’s time for me to attend the yoga session that I had every Saturday.

This whole session was very relaxing. It also helps make my body more flexible.

After the gym, I was literally starving. So, I headed home and had a good breakfast.

Then it was time to get to work.

I sat down at my laptop and worked till 4 (took a break for lunch only!).

For the evening snack, I decided to make a besan chilla.

If you don’t know what that is, it’s like a savory pancake made from gram flour.

It’s pretty healthy and really tasty.

I asked my brother & mom if would they like to eat it and as usual they said a big ‘YES’.

I went to the kitchen and started making the chillas. My brother (aka Minjhiya) accompanied me in the kitchen.

He usually sits in the kitchen with me whenever I am making something interesting. We discuss work, life, etc. during this meal-preparations.

Image Created in Midjourney

After my late lunch, it was time for my second workout of the day.

I finished the 10k Steps challenge.

Finally, it was time to wind down for the day. I read my book and then, after a full day, it was time to sleep.

Another day of the challenge is complete!

Here’s the diet & nutrition related detail :

Day 6: Diet & Nutrition

Day 7

I wake up around 8:00 am.

Since it was Sunday, the gym was closed I did some yoga at home.

After my yoga session, I had breakfast.

As you may know (if you read my previous posts) I’ve to attend an engagement party tomorrow.

So, I had a lot of preparation to do. I needed to buy some stuff for my brother and my mom and also had to go to the parlor for some clean up & waxing-related stuff.

I managed to get some work done until about 4 PM.

Then it was time to head out to the market.

My first stop was buying the remaining clothes I needed for myself.

Next, I went to drop off my suits at the tailor for stitching.

Then it was off to the parlor. All of this took about an hour.

It was a bit of a whirlwind, running from place to place!

When I got back to the tailor to pick up my clothes, he had a bit of a surprised look on his face.

Turns out, he had forgotten to fit my clothes! He asked me to wait while he quickly did the fitting.

So there I was, sitting in the tailor shop, waiting. But you know what? I didn’t waste that time.

I pulled out my book and got some reading done for the challenge.

Always good to make use of unexpected free time🙌!

Image Created in Midjourney

After getting my newly fitted clothes, I headed to a shoe showroom.

My brother was waiting for me there.

He wanted to buy some loafers, and I needed a pair of sandals for myself.

We spent some time searching and finally found what we were looking for.

By this point, both Minjhiya and I were starving. So, we decided to treat ourselves to some South Indian food.

There’s a cafe which is one of our favorite spots to hang out!

We decided to go there and ordered a dosa. It was delicious and just what we needed after all that running around.

After our late lunch (or early dinner?), we bought a few remaining things we needed and then headed home.

Once we got back, we had a light dinner (because of our late dosa meal).

Although I had planned to do a pedicure and apply my DIY face pack in the evening, I was too exhausted that I went to sleep without doing a single thing!

Oh, and guess what?

All that shopping and running around meant I hit my 10,000 steps goal for the day without even trying!

Day 7: Diet & Nutrition

Day 8

Today was Day 8, and it was a special one — the day of the engagement party!

I woke up early around 6:00 am, usually, I’d hit the gym, but I knew I’d be short on time.

So, I decided to do yoga at home instead.

After yoga, it was time to get ready. I did a DIY face pack and gave myself a pedicure.

We left the house around 11:30 AM. I was all dressed up and ready to celebrate!

Image by Author

We reached the location, greeted our relatives, danced, and took some pictures.

Around 6:30 PM, we said our goodbyes and headed home.

When we got home, the first thing I did was make myself a cup of tea.

There’s nothing like a good cuppa to help you unwind after a busy day.

I sat close to my window, sipping my tea, and just let myself relax for a bit.

I still needed to get my second workout in and complete my 10,000 steps.

So, after my tea break, I headed out to the park and finished the 10k steps.

Then it was time for the last task of the day — reading.

I read the book after having my dinner and slept.

Day 8: Diet & Nutrition

So that’s Day 8 done and dusted!

Can’t wait to see what Day 9 brings!

Catch you next time for more updates on this 75 Hard journey!

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

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Sweta Sharma

Hey! I'm Sweta, an editor turned content creator. Join my 13k+ community to start your online journey now🚀Side Hustle Blueprint ⬇️