How to Do Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest 2024 (The Most Practical Guide You’ll Ever Find!)

Sweta Sharma
8 min readMay 11, 2024

(Step-by-step framework for anybody who wants to make money.)

Do you want to make money with affiliate marketing?

I’m sure you’re constantly hearing this term, if you’re on the lookout to find an extra way to make passive income.

You may not know it, but Pinterest is one of the most talked about platforms when it comes to affiliate marketing.

Recently, I’ve been researching for my next blog topic about Pinterest.

I put the seed keyword in the Google search bar and also on YouTube and I come up with this top searched topic — How to Use Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing.

I read some articles on Google and then further decided to check out YouTube to see what’s already out there on this topic.

After watching several videos, one thing became clear: While some creators are genuine, many are simply selling false hopes.

Photo by Tungsten Rising on Unsplash

They’re claiming that one can make money with affiliate marketing even if they have zero followers and no monthly impressions on Pinterest.

That’s so weird!

How can someone make money if no one is ready to click on the pin showcasing the product or service they are promoting?

What do you think folks? Is it possible?

As per my experience, It’s absolutely not POSSIBLE.

You cannot make 10,000$ through affiliate marketing in a week with no following and no engagement.

Things don’t work that way.

Having said that, let me clarify one thing — making money on Pinterest through affiliate marketing is possible.

But it takes consistency to see results.

You’ve to put in your efforts to create content and post it.

Once you build a following and gain trust, that’s when you can really start earning.

So, in this blog post I’ll be sharing the exact steps that you need to take to make money with affiliate marketing on Pinterest.

Stay tuned and know what needs to be done!

Step 1 : Selecting a Niche

The first and foremost step is to select a niche/category.

Photo by Shahram Anhari on Unsplash

Think about what you love and what others might be interested in too.

This could be anything from fashion to home decor to fitness to digital marketing.

You can also take note of your professional qualifications and then turn it into a niche.

Or, even if you’re not working professionally, take some time and jot down the topics that attract you the most.

You can refer to the Pinterest Niche Name Guide to find potential ideas.

Step 2 : Identifying Affiliate Programs

Once you’ve selected your niche, it’s time to identify the related affiliate programs.

There are several ways to find affiliate programs for your chosen niche:

Method 1 : Directly from Brands

Photo by Johanne Pold Jacobsen on Unsplash

Finding affiliate programs directly from brands is easy.

First, look for brands related to your niche.

For example, if you’re into fitness, search for fitness gear or supplement brands.

Then, visit their websites and check for sections like “Affiliate” or “Partnerships.”

These sections usually explain how to join their affiliate program and what you’ll earn.

It’s a direct way to partner with brands that fit your niche and audience.

Method 2. Join Affiliate Networks

Another way to find affiliate programs is by joining affiliate networks.

These networks act as intermediaries between affiliates (like you) and brands offering affiliate programs.

They bring together multiple affiliate programs from various brands in one place, making it convenient for you to browse and choose the ones that suit your niche.

Some popular affiliate networks include ShareASale, Impact Radius, ClickBank, JvZoo, Digistore24, PartnerStack, Commission Junction, and Amazon Associates.

Note: If you’d like, I can create separate posts detailing how to apply to each of these affiliate networks. Just drop a comment below⬇️

Step 3 : Creating & Optimizing Your Pinterest Profile

Check this post to know how to create a Pinterest Business Account and optimize your profile⬇️

Step 4: Creating Content

After choosing your niche and finding affiliate programs, it’s time to create content.

Decide how you want to create content. You have various options:

  • Blog Posts : Write informative articles or product reviews on a blog. You can use Blogger or to create a FREE blog website.
  • Videos : Create engaging videos showcasing products or providing tutorials. You can create these videos yourself or if you’ve a budget you can invest in tools like Invideo AI or even hire a freelancer on Fiverr.
Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash
  • Email Marketing : Choose a Free Email marketing platform like Convert Kit, Beehive, etc. Then create a landing page. This way you can collect the emails of people who opt to sign in for your offers.

Send out newsletters with affiliate offers or exclusive promotions.

Note : Choose the formats and platforms that best suit your niche and skills.

Now, start creating pins for the content you’ve created.

If you’ve created a blog post, make 10–12 pins on the basis of that and share them on your Pinterest account. (Follow the same trick for other content types.)

Make it a point to post at least 5–10 pins on a daily basis if you’re just starting out.

Also, add ‘#ad’ in the description of your pin to inform the Pinterest algorithm that it’s an affiliate pin.

This helps maintain transparency with your audience and ensures compliance with Pinterest’s guidelines for affiliate content.

Check these guidelines by Pinterest regarding affiliate marketing.

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

I’ve shared everything on how to post optimized pins in my Pinterest Master Guide, you can check it out.

In the destination link, add the URL of your blog website/video/landing page where you’ve already added your affiliate links.

It’s that simple😊!

Author’s Email Snapshot

While this approach can lead to sales commissions, it’s important to note that Pinterest prioritizes user experience and engagement.

When you add direct affiliate links to your pins, Pinterest may limit the distribution of your content.

Pins with direct affiliate links may not appear as prominently in users’ feeds or search results compared to organic pins.

Additionally, Pinterest’s algorithm favors pins that lead to high-quality, engaging content rather than solely promotional links.

Step 5 : Analyzing Statistics

Last but not the least, pay attention to your pin analytics.

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

Pinterest, itself provides you with an amazing tool known as Pinterest Analytics, that helps you figure out your pin performance, audience demographics, and engagement metrics.

Understand which pins are resonating with your audience and driving traffic to your affiliate links.

Then, create more of them and keep posting more often.

Final Thoughts🎯

Follow these tips, stay consistent, and you’ll definitely start getting success soon!

See you in the next value-packed article.

Till then, keep learning, keep growing!

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Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

If you’re on the lookout for content related to Passive Income, Digital Marketing, AI, etc. tap that ‘Follow’ button and be a part of my amazing community.

It feels great to have awesome people in team❤️

PS: I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Feel free to drop a comment or message. Your input makes this journey even more special. 🌟

Note: Just a friendly heads-up — This blog contains affiliate link. If you’re up for it, click away, and we can both share in the goodness together! By the way, the content is absolutely free and by using these links you’re supporting my work, which means a lot to me.



Sweta Sharma

Hey! I'm Sweta, an editor turned content creator. Join my 13k+ community to start your online journey now🚀Side Hustle Blueprint ⬇️