Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

I Got 31% Organic Visits to my Etsy Store via Google After Fixing This Mistake!

Sweta Sharma
8 min readMay 26, 2024


(Use these 4 Hacks to Fix your Etsy store Right Now.)

Selling on Etsy is undoubtedly the talk of the town.

And, I guess it’s not wrong!

People need to know about this business model, especially in this era of AI, where money-making opportunities are mushrooming every single day.

I got to know about this side hustle two years ago when I was just starting out in the online world.

I didn’t have any experience selling things online, so I made the same mistakes that every newbie is likely to make:

  • Bad product choices
  • Poor SEO
  • Lack of branding

And a whole lot more.

I was just creating and uploading listings without paying attention to design or research.

Maybe it was because I was trying my hand at too many things while also working a 9–5 job, which left me with limited time.

So, I did what I felt was right at that point in time.

But the results indicated that something was WRONG.

I knew I needed to find the root cause, but with my busy schedule and professional commitments, it kept getting pushed to the back seat.

Last year, things weren’t quite good in my professional life, and those circumstances ultimately led me to bid farewell to my corporate career.

I’ve mentioned everything about this whole transition in this post⬇️

So, now after leaving my 9–5 I’ve got plenty of time to focus on the things I was previously ignoring due to a lack of time, and my Etsy store is one of them!

I took out the time and scrolled through my Etsy listings, their performances, and the products I was offering.

I came to the conclusion that I needed to:

  1. Research the products —to ensure they meet market demand

2. Change the branding — to make my store more appealing and memorable

3. Correct the SEO — to improve visibility among the different search engines

Before I tell you how I fixed the most important issue, if you haven’t started selling on Etsy, I’ve got some helpful articles you can check out to get started⬇️.

Etsy Marketing & Selling Tips

19 stories

Now, back to the point — the biggest mistake I was unknowingly making was not paying attention to SEO.

SEO, as we all know stands for Search Engine Optimization.

And, while creating my listings I’m not optimizing them to get ranked organically on the search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. meaning I’ve to stay dependent on either LUCK or ETSY ADS.

I decided to learn how to fix this mistake and I might say Starla Moore is a great help.

I watched some of her videos, read some blogs and finally knew how to correct this mistake.

Once I fixed this mistake, I immediately noticed a significant impact.

To my surprise, the results were pretty amazing.

I was able to get 31% organic visits to my Etsy store.

Here’s the 4 Step Framework that helped me achieve these mind-blowing results. Give it a try and see the magic happen for yourself! 😊

1. Keyword Research

Keyword research plays a crucial role on any platform, whether it’s Pinterest, Google, Etsy, Amazon, or any other.

And, I was missing this step.

Previously, whenever I uploaded a new listing, I followed this simple thing:

I typed my keyword into the Etsy search bar and looked at what keywords my fellow sellers were using.

Then, I incorporated them into my listings without even paying attention to the competition.

This was a wrong approach because it overlooked the competitiveness of those keywords and whether they were actually effective in attracting customers.

To correct this mistake, I started using a tool called eRank.

eRank helped me conduct in-depth keyword research by providing insights into search volume, competition, and trends.

Photo by Crew on Unsplash

With eRank, I could identify high-performing keywords that were relevant to my products and had the potential to rank well on Etsy and even on Google.

I’ve explained how to use this tool in this post.

2. Using Alt Text

Using Alt Text is crucial for optimizing images on your website or platform like Etsy.

Alt Text, short for alternative text, is a brief description of an image that appears when the image fails to load or when someone is using a screen reader.

When uploading images for your listings, Etsy provides an option to add Alt Text.

You can use up to 250 words as your alt text.

I personally incorporate the same keywords from my listing into the Alt Text for my images.

By incorporating the same keywords from my listing into the Alt Text for my images, I ensure consistency in my optimization strategy across all elements of my Etsy listings.

3. Optimized Product Description

Product descriptions matter too!

Just like with your title and tags, you should try and add the potential keywords into your description.


Because when someone searches for something on Etsy, the platform scans all the text on your listing, including your description, to see if your item fits their query.

But here’s the thing: don’t write your description in such a way that it sounds forced or artificial.

Instead, aim for a description that feels natural and engaging.

This means incorporating those important keywords in a way that flows seamlessly with the rest of your text.

That way, you’re not only optimizing for search, but also creating a pleasant reading experience for potential buyers.

4. The 13 Tags Theory

How can we forget tags?

They also help your Etsy listing rank higher.

When uploading your Etsy listing, remember to include all 13 additional tags to maximize your visibility.

Keep in mind these two things :

  • Avoid short-form keywords

Short-form keywords are brief terms that may not accurately represent your product or its features.

For example, using ‘shirt’ as a tag for a specific type of shirt might be too generic.

Instead, you want to use more descriptive and specific terms, like ‘Retro Themed T-Shirt’ or ‘Vintage T-Shirt’.

Photo by Don Delfin Almonte on Unsplash

These longer-tail keywords provide more context and help your listing attract the right audience.

Even Etsy also supports this fact⬇️

Source :
  • Avoid Repetition

Repetition refers to using the same or similar tags across multiple listings.

While it might seem like a good idea to use your best-performing tags on every listing, doing so can actually limit your visibility.

Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

Etsy’s search algorithm considers a variety of factors when ranking listings, including tag diversity.

If you use the same tags repeatedly, it can signal to the algorithm that your listings are too similar, leading to lower rankings in search results.

By diversifying your tags and avoiding repetition, you increase the chances of your listings being discovered by a wider range of potential customers.

Final Thoughts🎯

Try these 4 hacks, stay consistent and keep spreading value through your products.

See you in the next value-packed article.

Till then, keep learning, keep growing!

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

If you’re on the lookout for content related to Passive Income, Digital Marketing, AI, etc. tap that ‘Follow’ button and be a part of my amazing community.

It feels great to have awesome people in team❤️

PS: I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Feel free to drop a comment or message. Your input makes this journey even more special. 🌟

Note: Just a friendly heads-up — This blog contains affiliate link. If you’re up for it, click away, and we can both share in the goodness together! By the way, the content is absolutely free and by using these links you’re supporting my work, which means a lot to me.

Wait! The content goodies don’t end here. I’ve something more in store just for you😊



Sweta Sharma

Hey! I'm Sweta, an editor turned content creator. Join my 13k+ community to start your online journey now🚀Side Hustle Blueprint ⬇️