The world’s next beloved sexy erotic masterpiece — part 1

Swéta Rana
4 min readMay 14, 2018


My name is Norma Lee. I’m a pretty ordinary, average, nothing-special, run-of-the-mill, ordinary, ordinary girl. Just a big nobody, really. The most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me was when a vending machine gave me a KitKat bar that was all chocolate and no biscuit. I wrote about it in my diary everyday for a month afterwards. It was a really good day. A great day, in fact. The greatest of my life. I had the wrapper framed.

I’m just your standard typical commonplace everyday mousy brunette. With grey eyes, and I’m wearing a grey smock too.

Oh, and glasses! Boring, dull glasses. With a grey frame.

You could almost say I’m fifty shades of

So anyway, as you can see, I’m really just very ordinary and boring. I’m not looking for anything exciting or special, no, not me. I imagine that nothing interesting will ever happen to me, and the entirety of this story will be about my nail-cutting routine and my trips to the bank.

Incidentally, today’s my first day working as a journalist at a revered lifestyle magazine. If you’re wondering how I got such a job at the tender age of 24, it’s because I’m a really talented writer and it’s a complete coincidence that my father owns the company.

Anyway, that’s enough of that — I’m running late! I’ve only just arrived at Maverick Towers. I was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago to interview the CEO, Johnny Maverick. Urgh, I’m just dreading it! Johnny Maverick sounds like the worst person in the world, a smarmy entitled rich boy, who simply fell into a cushy job because of his father’s position. It’s disgusting. Makes me sick.

I’m just getting into the solid gold lift up to his office now. I already feel annoyed — Johnny Maverick is just awful! I read in a blog last year that he hosts underground cock fights and only occasionally recycles! I already despise him! This is the worst day ever! Just ew!

The traditional lift gong booms out twelve times, signifying I’ve reached my destination. I sigh and roll my eyes in vehement despair.

As the lift doors open, I walk over the leopard skin rug, under the leopard-shaped chandelier, past the caged live leopard. Despite myself, I can’t help but feel a frisson of anticipation — Johnny Maverick may be an odious human being, but he undeniably has exquisite taste in décor.

I take a deep breath, and knock on the leopard print door.

A pause — then…

“‘Ey up.”

His sonorous, silken voice sends a dart of electricity up my spine. I shiver slightly, before shaking my head. Get a hold of yourself, Norma! I take a deep breath and walk through the door.

I see the back of Johnny Maverick’s head, as he sits gazing out at the city landscape.

“You’re late,” he whispers, a touch of danger in his voice. I tremble.

“I’m sorry,” I squeak, before clearing my throat. Confidence, Norma! “I AM SORRY!!!” I bellow with magnificent poise. “I AM ALWAYS LATE FOR THINGS BECAUSE I AM A TYPICAL DITZY WOMAN, VERY ORDINARY IN FACT!!!”

The silence fizzes in the air for a moment.

“Norma Lee, isn’t it?” he says eventually. Slowly, he turns his chair around — and suddenly I am looking upon the glorious face of Johnny Maverick. He’s so handsome I feel slightly faint. His face is perfect, as though chiselled from stone. Curiously for a 25-year-old, his rich black hair is complemented by salt-and-pepper colouring. The obviously expensive charcoal-coloured suit he’s wearing is beautifully offset by a tie shimmering in a steel tint.

You could almost say he’s fifty shades of

“Um, I like your leopard…” I croak, gesturing at the mewling cub he’s stroking in his lap.

“Ah, thank you,” he smiles. “I find that leopard print is the most erotic of all… um, prints.”

His eyes resolutely hold my gaze. In my abject nervousness my glasses spontaneously fall off.

“Oh,” he croons immediately, gently placing his baby leopard on the desk. “Let me get that for you.”

He strides across the office and drops to his knee in front of me, scooping up my boring grey glasses in one fluid movement. He pauses before he stands up, just for a moment, though I don’t think anyone in the world would ever have noticed except me. Not that there’s anyone else here.

“Here you go,” Mr Maverick murmurs, gently pushing my glasses back on to my face. “You truly are… quite something, aren’t you, Norma Lee?”

As he withdraws his hands, he lightly taps my nose.

“Boop!” he says.

I giggle like a frenzied hyena. My cheeks are flooding with redness. My body’s feeling hot and cold all at the same time… What is going on?

“MR MAVERICK!!!” I shriek, trying to regain my dignified composure.

“Call me Johnny, Norma. I think you and I will be on first-name terms very, very soon.”


“And I, Norma…” he asserts, never taking his eyes off me as he awkwardly stumbles backwards to his desk. “I have a question for you…”

He fishes around in his desk drawer for a moment before holding something up, triumphant.

“Now I never normally ask anyone this, but, Norma… Would you like to split a KitKat with me?”

And already I know I’ve hopelessly, irrevocably fallen for him.

Read part 2.

Read the finale.



Swéta Rana

Raised on a diet of Enid Blyton and American comedy. Naturally I’m incredibly confused. @s_rana_