Journey with DigitalDeepak Internship Program

Shwetha S Shenoy
6 min readFeb 28, 2020


Session 1 on 25/02/2020

‘Communication’ - Key in marketing a business to reach right marketing message to right customer through right medium.

If we communicate our thoughts to outside world, we will be able to build up the personal brand & marketing & sales get easier. Knowing the power of marketing we will be able to learn how to sell.

By quoting “All is well when you SELL, SELL, SELL” , our mentor (Deepak Kanakaraju) started this program.

Digital Marketing Internship Program — Deepak Kanakaraju
Digital Marketing Internship Program — Deepak Kanakaraju

The first session of Digital Marketing Internship Program by DigitalDeepak was different because of the addition of practical scheme introduced to this program, wherein most of the courses we take includes theory part. And as we know, only learning theory helps nowhere in this real world. As a developer, I know what we theoretically study in college, doesn’t help us 100% when we enter organization.

According to DigitalDeepak, one of the best way to learn new things includes, Learn, Do and Teach method. This is also called as “The Golden Triangle”.

The Golden Triangle — Learn, Do, Teach
The Golden Triangle — Learn, Do & Teach

If we learn something, the information that we grasp will be organised in brain but still it mayn’t be organized properly(there will be somethings which you might have some doubts on). So if we apply our learning & do it practically, then there is a chance that the information in brain gets reinforced with the result we obtain. That’s why when we study practically than theoretically, we will be able to remember it.

When we do something we will get results and then it becomes understanding not only in mind but also the working is understood. Finally teach/share our knowledge that we gained through learning & doing it. When we teach, we are forced to go ahead & put the things in mind in very simple & understanding way so that others can understand. Its said that, if we cant teach someone in simple way, we haven't understood our self. So this cycle of leaning not only helps our self but also helps others.

Goal for this program

Goal of this program

The main goal of the program is to improve communication and sales skills to be good at all areas of life & be able to sell our self and our products even better.

As per profession being UI Developer, I want to start my own business with no marketing background. In business as per I noticed, communication skills is what helps to interact with customer and sales is what helps to get more new customers, retrieve old customers and retain existing ones. So I was exited when I heard the announcement of this internship program and joined so that I can learn and place myself in this Digital Marketing world.

Marketing Fundamentals

Marketing is mainly about understanding the human psychology, understanding how to sell & how to communicate. Marketing has been there since invention of trading & markets. As said by our mentor, the prominence in Digital Marketing should be given to marketer not to the digital. To become a good digital marketer, one should be a marketer at first. Since communication medium(Eg: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc) will keep changing, what and way of communication & how the problem of people are solved will never change.

Finding the gold

Digital Marketing on niche

Marketing out there is an ever expanding and infinite number of niches are available. Therefore we have to find the gold that will help us to turn into marketing. New solutions gives rise to new needs. Deepak has also told that we have to be a market leader in whatever we do. Because its a nature of humans to always remember No1 in a market not otherwise. Whatever niche is been chosen it should be a narrow down the niche i.e, focus on one thing instead of focusing on the entire field(Eg: When it comes to food industry, instead of focusing on entire food industry, narrowing niche to blogging on writing down the recipes). He also spoke about 3 major niches i.e Health, Money & Relationship and its not too late to add Fashion in this list additional. Niches is a combination of passion, talent & market opportunity.

Global Economics

Global Economy
Global Economy

This was always the topic I used to skip in my early days and as I know might be for some of the people who are reading this now. When you are all set and made up your mind to do something in digital marketing why not will spend some time in this too? Right?. So I will give a brief on what our mentor had discussed on this.

Some important points to be noted down here are

  • The economy of the country goes up when the average age of country goes up.
  • People spend more and the debt creates money.

We also got to know know that the average age of India is around 27–28. Mentor also mentioned about the recession describing that whatever we create a brand it shouldn't get affected by recession. Because the strong companies survive in this storm and weak companies vanishes. Our confidence increased when he gave a hope that in India opportunities still exist.

Communication - Key Basic Skill


Interns were persisted that by improving the communication one can improve the sales skill and most of the things in life will be routed on communication. Some easy tips were provided to be a master in communication are reading (Tinkles, Archie etc)and writing a lot, listening to podcasts, watching English sitcoms(The Office, Silicon Valley etc) and stand up comedies.

Future of Digital Marketing

As marketing is an important aspect of any product, it cannot simply vanish so is digital marketing. As the need and products goes up, the world moves towards digital. So people find different ways to market them. Mentor made it more easier and understandable by describing digital marketing as below

Marketing + Technology = Digital Marketing

Integrated Digital Marketing

Integrated Digital Marketing Process Flow
Integrated Digital Marketing Process Flow

Integrated Digital Marketing Process Flow includes Content Marketing, SEO, Social Media, Email Marketing, Paid Advertising, Sales & Convert.

Finding Market Demand

Market Demand

To collect the market information, taking correct decision and to understand the subject finding your market demand is essential. Deepak introduced us some research tools used in existing markets like Google Auto Suggest, Answer The Public, Ahrefs,

Build your personal brand

Personal Branding
Personal Branding

Mentor stated that by publishing content in different forms, with more content we will “own more of the internet”. We are our own brand and that’s what makes it different and stand out from others.

Working of Funnel

Briefly our mentor explained about how the funnel works and noted the digital marketing strategies of DigitalDeepak. On the top its Branding Strategy which includes free stuff (Blogging, Book and e-book publishing and others)followed by Audience Building Strategy to reach out the audience(re-targeting links,building email list, phone number list etc), Audience Engagement Strategy(Re-marketing, Webinars etc) & Reverse Strategy(Jobs, Consulting, Digital Marketing Services etc). MindMeister(Windows) and MindNode(Mac) are the tools that can be used to build mind maps.


Finally when the first assignment was announced I was quite nervous. Because this is my first ever blog and I haven’t even imagined I can put some words by myself. So here I am. This internship is getting more excited and I am eagerly waiting for my next sessions. Thank you Deepak Kanakaraju for giving an opportunity to pen down a blog of my own.

