FORESIGHT(2023): Summer Internship at Jaguar Land Rover| Polu Sreenidhi |


1)Brief Intro

I am Polu Sreenidhi. I am a 3rd year UG student of the Department of EE enrolled in its B-Tech 4-year course. I got my summer internship at Jaguar Land Rover under EV powertrain profile through CDC.

2)How did you get into JLR? What was the selection procedure?


a. JLR opens for three profiles — software, EV (EE and EECE), Mechanical

b. Any combination (SDE / EV / Mech or any two can be written (SDE + EV / SDE + Mech)

c. I have written only for the EV profile

d. The test consists of three parts — Aptitude, Technical and coding round.

e. The marking scheme is in such a way that the difficulty increases as you write correct answers: Easy -1 mark, average — 3 marks, difficult — 5 marks. This applies to both Aptitude and Technical rounds. The coding part consists of three coding questions.


In the technical round, they will ask questions mostly from the CV — related to projects, your sem courses, and your experiences in that particular profile. They test you mostly on your fundamental understanding, your way of approaching the question, and your problem-solving skills. They may ask some basic coding questions as well. Mostly they concentrated on my CV. One has to be perfect with their CV.

3)How did you prepare for them?
I revised analog and digital circuits and machines which were taught in the 3rd and 4th semesters. And I have gone through some video lectures for better clarification of the topics — Razavi for analog circuits, NPTEL video lectures for both digital circuits and machines. Once reading and covering lectures is done, I started solving Previous papers and Interview Questions(very important). One can refer to Interviewbit, geeks for geeks, or Glassdoor(requires login with Gmail) for these questions.

4) What difficulties did you face while preparing for this Company/Profile? How did you overcome this problem?6) Any specific advice you want to give to the junta sitting for internships this year?

I wasted most of my time deciding between core and non-core. I have spoken to some of my seniors and taken their suggestions. If you are interested in the core and are confident then start your preparation with the core itself. Three months of summer duration is very peak time for CDC preparation. Dividing your daily tasks and managing the time for preparation is very important. Divide your work for the three months properly. If you have any doubts regarding any topics or you may not be able to solve any problems, ping your seniors or friends, and seek their guidance and help. Refer to some good suggested videos on youtube for better understanding. Talk to seniors or discuss with your friends who are preparing for the same profile so that you can learn more and you can build up your confidence as well. Practicing previous paper questions is very important. You will get a good amount of ideas on the depth of the questions and how to manage your time during the exams. For the aptitude section, it is better to practice some questions before the exams so that you would not spend much time on these questions

5) According to you, who should ideally apply for this job?

Having a clear knowledge of a particular profile is very important before starting preparation. As there are limited core companies, students who are really interested in core and want to pursue a career in the core domain can apply for this profile. One has to dedicate a lot of their time to solving and preparing for the core. A good CG of 8+ or 8.5+ is preferable.

6)Any specific advice you want to give to the junta sitting for internships this year.

Some advice I would like to give — Having clear knowledge on their particular domain is very important and going through some of the recent research/any papers may give them some idea on their domain. It is better to start preparation as soon as possible. Good and clear understanding of basic fundamentals and theory is needed. And it would be better to take some useful courses like VLSI, Mixed IC Design etc (in platforms like Coursera) or do any self-project in this summer related to their domain. And as a part of preparation solving previous questions is very important as it gives an insight into the depth of the paper. And also practicing some aptitude questions will be really helpful during exams so that more time can be given to technical questions.

7) What are some of the major points you think would be valid to mention in your CV while targeting this profile?(any specific suggestions you would like to make?)

Any projects, courses, or competitions related to the profile would be really helpful.



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