FORESIGHT(2024) | Internship at Microsoft | Muskan Gupta


1) Brief introduction and description of the offered role:

A) Hello Everyone,

My name is Muskan Gupta, and I am a prefinal year student from the Department of Chemistry. This summer, I have had the incredible opportunity to join Microsoft as a Software Engineer Intern. I am working with the SMB (Small Medium Business) team at Microsoft, where I am involved in developing, testing, and maintaining software solutions that help small and medium-sized businesses grow and thrive. This role allows me to collaborate with a dynamic team to solve complex technical problems and contribute to the deployment of Baselines.

2) How did you get into Microsoft? What was the selection procedure?

A) I got the offer through the Career Development Centre (CDC) at my institution, where I applied for the Microsoft Software Engineer (SWE) role. The selection procedure involved several steps:

  1. Coding Test: The initial step was an online coding test conducted on the Codility platform. This test assessed my problem-solving skills and coding proficiency through a series of algorithm and data structure challenges.
  2. Shortlisting: Based on the performance in the coding test, candidates were shortlisted for interviews.
  3. Interviews: There were two rounds of interviews for me. In the first round, the interviewers asked detailed questions about my projects, so it’s crucial to have well-developed projects on your resume. Both interview rounds included live coding sessions where I had to solve problems and explain my approach.

The entire process tested my technical skills, understanding of data structures and algorithms, and my ability to effectively communicate my thought process.

3) How to prepare for them?

A) To prepare for the selection process at Microsoft, focus on the following areas:

  1. Strengthen Your Understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA): These are heavily tested in the selection process. Pay particular attention to linked lists, graphs, trees and DP as these topics are commonly covered.
  2. Practice Regularly: Regular practice is key to success. Use coding platforms such as Codeforces, CodeChef, and LeetCode to solve a variety of problems. These platforms offer a wide range of challenges that can help you build and hone your problem-solving skills.
  3. Brute Force to Optimization: During interviews, start by explaining the brute force approach to solving a problem. Then, progressively optimize your solution. This approach allows the interviewer to understand your thought process and problem-solving skills.
  4. Mock Interviews: Engage in mock interviews to simulate the actual interview environment. This will help you get comfortable with the format and improve your ability to think and code under pressure.
  5. Project Preparation: Be prepared to discuss your projects in detail. Make sure you understand every aspect of the projects listed on your resume, as interviewers may ask in-depth questions about them.

4) When did you start preparing for this role and according to you what is the ideal time for aspirants to begin their preparation?

A) I began learning coding in my second year of college with a focus on mastering Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and web development. Starting early gave me the advantage of time to thoroughly explore and understand these concepts.

Ideal Time to Start Preparing:

In my opinion, the ideal time to start preparing for a role at a top tech company like Microsoft is as early as possible. Here’s a more detailed explanation:

  1. Exploring Interests:
  • Starting early gives you the freedom to explore different areas within tech. For instance, alongside DSA, you can delve into web development, machine learning, or any other field that interests you.
  • If you find that coding isn’t your passion, you have the flexibility to switch and prepare for a different role without the pressure of time.

2. Competitive Programming:

  • Participating in coding competitions and hackathons from an early stage can significantly improve your coding skills. Coding on local machines and coding on open judges (online platforms) are different experiences. Online platforms teach you about time and space complexities and how to optimize your code.
  • These competitions also enhance your ability to work under pressure and think critically. The exposure to diverse problems and the need to come up with efficient solutions quickly is invaluable.

3. Time Management:

  • Early preparation allows you to balance your academic workload with your preparation. You can create a manageable study schedule without having to rush or cram closer to the recruitment period.

4. Mock Interviews and System Design:

  • Engaging in mock interviews helps you get comfortable with the interview format and improves your ability to articulate your thought process. This is crucial as it mirrors the real interview scenario.

5) What difficulties did you face while preparing for this Company/Profile?

A) The primary difficulty I faced while preparing for the Microsoft Software Engineer role was nervousness and anxiety about the interview process. Here’s how I addressed and overcame 1.

  1. Seeking Advice and Support:
  • Talking to Seniors and Friends: I reached out to seniors who had successfully gone through similar interviews and friends who were also preparing for tech interviews. They shared their experiences, provided valuable advice, and offered moral support.

2. Interview Experience:

  • During the interview, I was fortunate to encounter a cheerful and supportive interviewer. Their friendly demeanour and engaging conversation helped alleviate my nerves, creating a comfortable atmosphere. They took a genuine interest in my personal interests and goals, turning the interview into a relaxed conversation rather than a formal evaluation. Furthermore, the interviewer provided valuable guidance and encouragement, which significantly reduced my anxiety and allowed me to focus on addressing the technical questions with confidence. Overall, their supportive attitude played a pivotal role in enhancing my interview experience.

6) Are there any specific requirements such as department, CGPA, or other criteria for this position? Additionally, do certain PORs or EAAs enhance one’s chances of securing this internship?

A) Based on my personal opinion and experience, specific requirements for the Microsoft Software Engineer Intern position may vary, but here are some general insights:

Department and CGPA:

Department: While candidates from circuital or technical backgrounds may have a familiarity with technical concepts that can provide them with an advantage, it’s important to note that candidates from non-technical backgrounds can still excel in securing internships at companies like Microsoft. As someone not from a circuital background myself, I understand the initial concern. However, what’s truly valued are strong technical skills and a passion for technology, both of which can be demonstrated regardless of academic background.

CGPA: A higher CGPA can improve your chances of being shortlisted for interviews, as it may serve as an initial screening criterion. However, Microsoft also values practical skills and experiences, so a lower CGPA may not necessarily disqualify a candidate if they can demonstrate strong technical abilities. PORs (Positions of Responsibility) or EAAs (Extra-Curricular Activities):

  • PORs and EAA: In my experience, Microsoft primarily focuses on evaluating candidates based on their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit. Positions of responsibility or extracurricular activities may not directly impact your chances of securing the internship unless they demonstrate relevant skills or experiences.

7) In your opinion, who should ideally apply for this job?

A) In my opinion, candidates who should ideally apply for this job are those with a strong passion for coding, problem-solving, and a keen interest in learning new technologies. While proficiency in Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) is essential and forms the basis of technical interviews, it’s crucial to understand that the practical application of these concepts may vary in real-world scenarios. Microsoft, like many tech companies, operates at the forefront of innovation, constantly evolving and adopting new technologies. Therefore, candidates who are adaptable and eager to learn are highly valued. While the foundational knowledge of DSA is important, what’s equally if not more critical, is the ability to apply problem-solving skills to tackle real-world challenges and to quickly adapt to new technologies and frameworks.

Candidates who thrive in dynamic environments, enjoy collaborating with diverse teams, and possess a growth mindset are well-suited for roles at Microsoft. This is because the company values individuals who are not only technically proficient but also possess the drive and enthusiasm to continuously learn and grow within the ever-changing tech landscape. Therefore, those who are passionate about coding, possess strong problem-solving abilities, and are enthusiastic about embracing new technologies are ideal candidates for roles at Microsoft.

8) What are some of the major points you think would be valid to mention in CV while targeting this profile?

A) Detail significant projects you’ve worked on, highlighting their objectives, your role, and the technologies utilized. Emphasize the deployment process, platforms used , and any challenges overcome.

9) Lastly, what advice would you like to give to the students aiming to grab CDC internships this year?

A) The journey through the CDC process, from meticulous preparations to the intensity of assessments and interviews, can be draining, often testing one’s resolve and motivation. To counter this, I advocate for the formation of study groups among peers. These groups not only serve as forums for discussing problem-solving strategies but also provide a source of mutual support, keeping each member motivated and accountable to their study schedules and deadlines. Regular interaction with peers allows for the exchange of insights and progress updates, fostering a sense of camaraderie and collective growth.

Moreover, seeking guidance from seasoned seniors in CV review is paramount. Their seasoned perspectives offer invaluable advice for fine-tuning application materials, ensuring they resonate strongly with potential employers. Don’t hesitate to leverage their expertise; their mentorship can be instrumental in navigating the intricate landscape of internship applications.

As you embark on this internship journey, remember to stay resilient, stay focused, and above all, stay optimistic. Your determination and perseverance will undoubtedly pave the way for success. Wishing you all the best for your upcoming endeavours!

CV- Muskan- Software Engineer



Student Welfare Group, IIT Kharagpur

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