How To Install Next.Js ? A Complete Guide For Beginners

2 min readFeb 15, 2024



Next.js, a powerful React framework, simplifies the design of modern scalable web applications. In this guide, we will walk through the steps to install Next.js using the official documentation and discuss additional concepts for complex development environments.

Next.js is based on React, webpack, and babel. It is an awesome tool for developing web applications and is known for its server-side rendering.


You must install Node.js before you can install Next.js. Verify that npm and Node.js are installed on your computer. If not, get Node.js. from the official website and install it.

Verify that Node is up to date on your machine. Run the below command in your terminal to verify, then compare the result with the most recent LTS version found at

node -v

Once you install Node.js, the npm command will appear in your command line.

Now that you have Node updated to the latest version and npm, create an empty folder anywhere you want, for example in your home folder, and go to:

mkdir nextjs

cd nextjs

and create your first Next project.

There are two methods available for installing next.js Automatically or Manually. Next.js’s official website recommends using automatic installation, which sets up everything automatically for you.

Would you like to read the rest of the post? Here it is, How To Install Next.Js ? A Complete Guide For Beginners




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