Why we believe our “APR Reset” concept is the greatest innovation in the yield farming industry, to date

Swift Finance
3 min readSep 13, 2021


Here’s why we believe our “APR Reset” concept is the greatest innovation in the yield farming industry, to date. A thread. — — Note: NOT Financial Advise. DYOR #DeFi #YieldFarm #cryptocurrency #Avalanche

Every yield farm that has ever existed follow this cycle of a big pump up, followed by a big pump down to a slow and grinding death.

Cycles vary from project to project and can last from several months, to just a few weeks.

But regardless of duration they all share this trend.

To understand the reason why all these yield farms are fated to die, we first need to understand their source of revenue.

A yield farm main source of revenue is from the deposit fees that they collect.

However, once a user has paid the deposit fee, they can then farm for free forever.

This puts immense selling pressure onto the native token, which then pushes the APR down, and when the APR is down, future investors aren’t very keen on depositing anymore.

With no new deposits, and a dying cashflow, a yield farm, just like any other business will simply have to close up shop.

With our “APR Reset” here’s the cycle we hope to achieve.

Acknowledging the volatility of crypto markets, there will certainly be huge ups and downs with us too, but ultimately the idea is to be self-sustainable.

Here’s how it works.

We will have a set number of farms that will only accrue rewards for up to 1 week.

By the end of the week, rewards will no longer accrue for those farms, and a new set of farms will take the place of the old farms.

With these new farms, new deposits will have to be made, and this will allow us to collect new deposit fees every week allowing us to expand our ecosystem.

To ensure sustainability & demand for our SWIFT token, check out our plans with those fees here: https://docs.swiftfinance.farm/fees-+-and-our-plans-for-them

Do we think that this will succeed?

To be brutally blunt, we don’t know.

As far as we know, this has never been tried and it’s basically one huge speculative experiment.

We are somewhat optimistic and will do our best to ensure the success of this project.

But if this succeeds, we can see that being able to collect deposit fees every week is a huge deal for any project, as this will be consistent revenue, which is basically every business owner’s wet dream.

This is incentive enough for us to want to be here for the long-term.

This also means that our brand image is important to ensure that new & existing investors will want to continually deposit into our farms.

To maintain our SWIFT brand we will continuously develop & innovate in this space to grow our ecosystem and to provide more utility to our SWIFT token holders.

In line with that mission, we have also completed our KYC with RugDoc to hold us accountable: https://rugdoc.io/project/swift-finance/

We are excited for the future of SWIFT Finance, and if you liked what you have read give it a like & retweet, as it will help a lot!

And do share whatever thoughts or ideas you have with us!



Swift Finance

The ONLY yield farm on ANY CHAIN with APR RESETS! Launching on #Avalanche Learn more: http://bit.ly/3jVQOg9 Join us: http://t.me/swiftfinanceavax