The Economy Might Be Booming, But America Isn’t

Why the significant reforms proposed by Democratic presidential candidates are justified and necessary.

Jeff Swift


Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels

American voters are in the process of deciding who will take on Donald Trump and his Republican Party in this November’s election. The Democrats running for this privilege are putting forth proposal after proposal, sparking concern among some: why change the system? Isn’t it working?

The economy is, in fact, booming. Using the metrics economists use to track economies, the US is experiencing significant success. This is an undeniable fact.

There’s another fact, though, that voters need to keep in mind: Americans die younger, live sicker, and get worse education than residents of comparatively wealthy countries.

This juxtaposition of healthy economic numbers and poor measurable outcomes is due in part to the way our system is organized. While stocks are persistently high, very few Americans actually benefit from the boom. A majority of Americans live with deep financial instability, living paycheck-to-paycheck and remaining unable to set aside money for unexpected emergencies.

Americans die younger, live sicker, and get worse education than residents of…



Jeff Swift

PhD in Communication, Rhetoric, & Digital Media. Democracy junkie. Father of three.