How Asana, Twilio, SurveyMonkey and Lyft optimized their customer support centers

4 min readSep 14, 2017


Asana, Twilio, SurveyMonkey, and Lyft all have really solid customer knowledge bases. These companies have invested heavily in creating helpful support content and they leverage state-of-the-art search technology to ensure their customers can find what they’re looking for.

By making sure that their customers can actually find the content relevant to their support question, support specialists from these companies have more time to create new documentation, rather than continually answering the same questions. Read on to learn about how Asana, Twilio and SurveyMonkey have designed their support center and how they’ve improved the customer experience through search.


Asana’s home page of their knowledge base greets visitors with big header text that reads, “How can we help?”. This page is straightforward and not overly crowded, enabling customers in need of help to easily navigate the page. Right under the header text is a search bar (powered by Swiftype) that enables customers to just enter the question or topic they need more information about and immediately receive answers.

Under the search bar, Asana lists some FAQs to give support seekers another method for finding answers.

According to Asana, they wanted to better scale their customer support efforts so they invested in creating an extremely detailed knowledge base. Unfortunately, when they first rolled it out, visitors were having a hard time searching through all of its content. To alleviate this issue, Asana implemented Swiftype Site Search. Aside from helping their customers to find what they need, Swiftype enables Asana to use search analytics to see what user queries are returning no results so they can create content to address those issues. By using search analytics, Asana is able to provide a better customer support experience and continually improve their knowledge base.


Twilio’s help center experience is also centered around search. At the top of the page, right under the header, is a large search bar with placeholder text that reads “Start your search”. Again, this is an extremely straightforward knowledge base experience, enabling the user to simply just ask the specific question they are looking to answer.

Once your enter your question, a neat list of the related documentation is displayed to the user.

According to Twilio, search has not always been a prominent tool for their knowledge base. Although Twilio wanted to improve the search experience, they didn’t have time to build it out in-house. So, Twilio decided to implement Swiftype Search, which they were able to get up and running in minutes.

Once Twilio had implemented Swiftype, one of their Technical Support Engineers used the drag-and-drop result ranking tool to customize results for the most popular queries. By using this tool, Twilio gained full control of their knowledge base and could drive customers in need of support to highly relevant content. Additionally, Twilio used the rich search analytics provided by Swiftype to identify gaps in their knowledge base and decide what support articles to write next. In one particular instance, Twilio noticed lots of customers were searching about session initiation protocols (SIP), but never had time to develop in-depth content about that subject. After seeing the data, they developed an FAQ for SIP questions and they saw the support tickets about them fall significantly.


SurveyMonkey’s Help Center also has a large search bar at the top and has 6 cards below that, featuring the 6 main topics that customers have questions about. This help center has a simple design making it easy for visitors to search for their question or quickly select a topic that is relevant for their question.

According to SurveyMonkey, “over 90% of the people that visit the help center find the information they’re looking for without contacting us.” By centering their help center around search, SurveyMonkey enables their customers to find documentation in a self-service manner.

SurveyMonkey uses Swiftype for their search which allows their content strategists to have full control over what results appear for what queries and the order in which they are displayed. To customize search results on a query-by-query basis, SurveyMonkey uses the drag-and-drop results ranking tool enabling them to add a human touch to their search results.

On the analytics side, SurveyMonkey uses the weekly Swiftype analytics email to review top searches and top searches with no results, which help them identify areas where new content should be created. SurveyMonkey leverages their help center search to help their customers get the most out of their extensive user documentation and stay informed about questions that are going unanswered so they can work to create new content.

Enhanced search for your support center

Interested in learning more about how you could use Swiftype Customer Support Search in your help center? Check out our website and sign up for a free trial!




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