How To Structure Your Critical Analysis (With Example)?

Sophia Wilson
3 min readMay 28, 2021


Critical Analysis

Writing a Critical analysis is subjective in which you deeply analyse the other person’s work or any situation or movie. It is a type of academic writing, in which it is important to evaluate and interpret any text along with following the steps to write critical analysis. Mostly, students in high schools are often asked to write the critical analysis as a part of an academic evaluation to judge their understanding of interpreting the text. It should be a detailed and evidence-based analysis of your arguments. If you are a college student or about to enter, your professor may ask you to define critical analysis or write one on any critical analysis essay topics.

Critical analysis is descriptive and reflects your thought process and your personality too. In this type of writing, you should have enough evidence from the text to make your interpretation logically right. It not only includes interpretation and evaluation of the words not only, rather your thinking pattern about the colours, symbols and punctuations. As per the critical analysis writing guide, the text must be analysed, keeping the background of the text in mind because it will make your analysis more dominating.

Structure of critical analysis:


This is the master key to engage the reader in your critical analysis because the introduction gives a reader the idea about the context of the critical analysis. It helps to understand the analysis more effectively. In this part of critical analysis, always give the introduction of the background of the text and its author. Inculcate the points that you are going to talk about. Keep the introduction crisp as much as possible.

Main body

This is the right place to throw light in a detailed manner on your points. Draft the relevant evidence and prove your points so that the readers can make the right judgement. This section requires a comprehensive description and evaluation that you have made out of the text. It is important to represent your points logically to make the analysis presentable. A well-versed structure reflects acceptable analysis.

The main body can be divided into two paragraphs because one long paragraph is usually considered to be dull to engage the reader. You may put the points first and then write analysis in a presentable manner. To understand this better, the following is the critical analysis essay example.

Example- Taking the lines from Homer’s Iliad and its interpretation as follow;

” Then Pallas Athena granted Tydeus’ son Diomedes

strength and daring — so the fighter would shine forth

and tower over the Argives and win himself great glory.” (book 5)

These lines are taken from the poem, Iliad, when Diomedes enters the battleground and Athena grants him powers that help him in achieving the glory. Diomedes acquire Heroism with the help of Athena only. She has played a significant role in moving the plot further as she grants him the power to see Gods in the battleground because even Gods had taken the side between Troy and Athens. Diomedes fearlessly attacked Aphrodite and Apollo when they came to the battleground to save Aeneas because he was blessed by Athena. This scene was made interesting for the readers by the powers granted by Athens to Diomedes. Therefore, women have not only pushed the plot but made it interesting also. They did not get any proper scene where we can see women being in the limelight for their actions.


Always conclude your analysis by summarising all the evidence and points that you have pointed out in the analysis. You can also give a suggestion, under this section, as it gives a substantial impression. For better assistance, you can also consult the academic essay writing help where experts can help you the best way.



Sophia Wilson

I am Sophia Wilson currently associated with Sample Assignment, the best name as a dissertation help uk Along with other senior colleagues, I am helping student